Sermons on Mark
Jesus Christ According to the Bible
“Discipleship – God Disciples Us” Mark 3:13-14
A Topical Sermon “Discipleship – God Disciples Us” Outline: (1) How Did We Get to Where We Are? 1. God made us to know and be with Him, but we fell in sin and deserve His wrath 2. God calls and atonement must be made; God’s wrath must be propitiated 3. God became incarnate so that in Jesus Christ atonement and propitiation would be made for His people (2) Specific Ways God Disciples Us 1. God disciples us by providing a substitutionary…
“Are You a Sin-Sick Sinner?” Mark 2:1-17
Theme: Jesus came for the sick, forgiving sin and calling sinners.
Aim: Pray with me, “God convict us of our sin, forgive us for the ways that we have sinned, and save us from Your wrath to come through faith alone in the substitutionary death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.”
(1) Jesus Forgives Sinners (Mark 2:1-12)
(2) Jesus Calls “Sell Outs” (Mark 2:13-14)
(3) Jesus Came for the Sick (Mark 2:15-17)
“Jesus Came Back from the Dead” Mark 16:1-8
Theme: Christ rose from the dead.
Aim: Pray that God would strengthen our faith in Christ’s resurrection and help us to fight for hope in an often hopeless world, because of the resurrection.
Jesus’ resurrection was…
(1) On The First Day of the Week (Mark 16:1-2)
(2) Unexpected (Mark 16:3-5, 8)
(3) Was Powerfully Able to Save (Mark 16:6-7)
“Hell” Mark 15:21-47
Theme: Jesus bore God’s eternal wrath for His people in His crucifixion and death.
Aim: Flee God’s eternal wrath by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
Jesus was…
(1) Crucified by Men (Mark 15:21-32)
(2) Forsaken by the Father & Died (Mark 15:33-41)
(3) Buried (Mark 15:42-47)
“The Coronation of the King of the Jews” Mark 15:1-20
Theme: Jesus is God’s forever King, and His coronation was through suffering and rejection.
Aim: Love Christ with you’re all, because of how He first loved you in bearing all of this for us.
(1) A King (Mark 15:1-5)
(2) A Criminal’s Condemnation (Mark 15:6-14)
(3) A Criminal’s Scourging (Mark 15:15)
(4) A King’s Coronation (Mark 15:16-20)
“Jesus Didn’t Want to Die, Was Arrested, & Abandoned” Mark 14:26-72
Theme: Jesus didn’t want to die, but chose rejection for His people.
Aim: Pray that God would preserve us and strengthen our faith in Christ who was rejected for us. That even as the world hates Jesus that we won’t be ashamed to be found with Him and His people.
(1) Jesus Didn’t Want to Die (Mark 14:32-41)
(2) Jesus was Betrayed, Arrested, & Abandoned (Mark 14:41-52)
(3) Jesus Was Tried & Beaten (Mark 14:53-65)
(4) Peter’s Rejection (Mark 14:66-72)
“The First Lord’s Supper” Mark 14:12-25
Theme: Jesus is the bread of life and our good shepherd
Aim: Put your hope in Christ, not yourself. Feed upon Christ by faith.
(1) Hope in Jesus (Mark 14:12-16)
(2) Don’t Hope in Yourself (Mark 14:17-21)
(3) A Feast of Hope (Mark 14:22-25)
“True Beauty & True Betrayal” Mark 14:1-11
Theme: Fearing God rejects self-worship with money and embraces sacrificial worship.
Aim: Be caught up in the beauty of worshipping Christ with your whole life.
(1) Jesus Messes With Our Lives (Mark 14:1-2)
(2) True Beauty – Worshiping Christ (Mark 14:3-9)
(3) True Betrayal – Worshiping Ourselves (Mark 14:10-11)
“Jesus Didn’t Know Everything” Mark 13:32-37
Theme: We don’t know when Jesus is coming, but He is coming so keep watch.
Aim: Live your life for the glory of God in light of Christ’s certain return.
(1) Only the Father Knows (Mark 13:32)
(2) Be On Guard (Mark 13:33)
(3) Stay Awake (Mark 13:33-37).
“Jesus Is Coming Again!” Mark 13:1-31
Theme: Christ’s words are trustworthy,
Aim: Will you believe Him?
(1) Hope In Jesus (Mark 13:1-2)
(2) Listen to and Believe Jesus (Mark 12:13:3-8)
(3) Persevere (Mark 13:9-13)
(4) Trust and Obey Jesus’ Words (Mark 13:14-23)
(5) Be Encouraged that Jesus Is Coming Back (Mark 13:24-27)
(6) Jesus’ Words Last Forever (Mark 13:28-31)