Sermons on Mercy
“Remain Steadfast Like Job” James 5:11
An Expositional Sermon James 5:11 “Remain Steadfast Like Job” Theme/Big Idea: Run the race marked out before us with endurance. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Sojourn as a refugee Christian in this world with the steadfastness of Job in the certain hope of Jesus Christ’s return. Outline: (1) This World Is Not Our Home (2) Endure Even as Job Endured (3) The Purpose of the Lord Is to Show His Compassion & Mercy (4) Persevere in the Gospel
“Honor Widows” 1 Timothy 5:3-16
An Expositional Sermon 1 Timothy 5:1-2 “Honor Widows” Theme/Big Idea: If you are a member of a church you have a responsibility to honor widows who are left all alone. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Pray that God would cultivate love, patience, and an immovable hope in the covenant love of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, and as we await our full and final union to Him when we takes us to be with Him forever. Outline: (1) God Loves and Protects Widows (1 Timothy 5:3) (2) A Family Should Provide for…
“Confession of Sin” Daniel 9:1-19
Big Idea: God’s people go to His word and respond in confession and pleading.
Application: Pray that God would give us the gifts of repentance and faith. Ask God to forgive you and others for sin. Come to God not based upon our insufficient righteousness, but based upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone.
(1) God’s People Go to God’s Word (Daniel 9:1-2)
(2) God’s People Respond to God’s Word – Confession (Daniel 9:3-14)
A. Our confession of sin is a response to the difference between who God is and who we are. We see this 4 times in vv. 4-14.
B. God’s appointed leaders will be held to account (v. 6 and 8)
C. God’s People Pray Prayers of Confession
(3) God’s People Respond to God’s Word – Intercession (Daniel 9:15-19)