Sermons on Sight
“God’s Word Strengthens His People” Daniel 10:1-21
An Expositional Sermon Title: “God’s Word Strengthens His People” Big Idea/Theme: God’s Word strengthens His people. Application/Aim: Christians, followers of Christ, this is a dangerous world, don’t despair, don’t be afraid of fearful things, because of God’s love for you in Christ. And if you’re here this morning and you’re not a Christian, run from the scary things of this world by putting your faith in Jesus Christ alone for comfort. Don’t reject God and be found in the most fearful place…
“True Greatness” Mark 10:32-52
Theme: Jesus leads by dying and rising again, by bearing wrath, serving, ransoming and giving sight.
Aim: Let this text reorient how you think about what is great, and submit to Jesus’ authority with a grateful heart.
Three Aspects of the Greatness of Christ
(1) Death & Resurrection (Mark 10:32-34)
(2) Bearing God’s Wrath, Serving, & Giving His Life as a Ransom for Many (Mark 10:35-45)
(3) Giving Sight (Mark 10:46-52)
“King of All” Mark 8:1-26
Theme: Only Jesus has the power to satisfy and only He can open our eyes to understand who He is.
Aim: See Jesus in His power, have your eyes opened up to be able to more fully behold His beauty, and that God would quiet our argumentative hearts.
(1) Jesus Has Power to Satisfy (Mark 8:1-10)
(2) Argumentative & Blind Hearts (Mark 8:11-13)
(3) Hard Hearts (Mark 8:14-21)
(4) Jesus Gives Sight (Mark 8:22-26).