Sermons on Ransom
“Church and State” 1 Timothy 2:1-7
An Expositional Sermon 1 Timothy 2:1-7 “Church and State” Theme/Big Idea: God calls us to pray for all so that we might live quiet and godly lives. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Let’s resolve to pray like this as a church because our hope is in the Mediator, Jesus Christ. Outline: (1) Pray for All Men (1 Timothy 2:1) (2) Pray for All in High Positions (1 Timothy 2:2) (3) Pray for Salvation for All (1 Timothy 2:3-7) Questions for Further Reflection (1) Are you a close friend with someone you never talk…
“Forced Away from Home” Daniel 1:1-7
Theme: God keeps His Word and preserves His people in exile.
Aim: Thou we mourn in lonely exile often in this world; Rejoice! Emmanuel has come and will come again to finally and fully ransom His people from the fall and from sin.
(1) God Is In Control (Daniel 1:1-2)
(2) How the World Works (Daniel 1:3-5)
(3) What Is Your Identity? (Daniel 1:6-7)
“True Greatness” Mark 10:32-52
Theme: Jesus leads by dying and rising again, by bearing wrath, serving, ransoming and giving sight.
Aim: Let this text reorient how you think about what is great, and submit to Jesus’ authority with a grateful heart.
Three Aspects of the Greatness of Christ
(1) Death & Resurrection (Mark 10:32-34)
(2) Bearing God’s Wrath, Serving, & Giving His Life as a Ransom for Many (Mark 10:35-45)
(3) Giving Sight (Mark 10:46-52)