Sermons on Covenant
“Wisdom in Covenant Love” Song of Solomon 1:1-8:14 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Song of Solomon 1:1-8:14 “Wisdom in Covenant Love” Theme/Big Idea: The desire of sexual intimacy is beautiful in the context of the marriage covenant, and it teaches us of the greater and more powerful covenant love of God for His people. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Delight in the beauty of intimacy God has designed for the marriage covenant, and realize that intimacy points beyond itself to the beauty of the marriage of the church (the bride) to Jesus Christ (the bridegroom). Outline:…
“The Certainty of God’s Promises” Hebrews 6:13-20
An Expositional Sermon Hebrews 6:13-20 “The Certainty of God’s Promises” Guest Preacher: Steven Leatherbury Outline: 3 reasons the Christian can have assurance in the promises of God: (1) Because of the Character of God (2) Because of the Purpose of God (3) Because Christians Have Been Made Secure for Eternity
“God’s Word Expresses His Love” Daniel 9:20-27
Big Idea/Theme: God’s Word is an expression of His love for His people.
Application/Aim: Embrace the love of God for His people by trusting in Jesus Christ.
(1) God’s Word Points Us to His Love for Us in Jesus Christ (Daniel 9:20-23)
(2) God’s Promises Are Fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Daniel 9:24)
(A) First description of the 70 weeks in v. 24: 6 promises to be accomplished
(B) Second description of the 70 weeks in vv. 25-27: Historical things that will happen.
(3) History Points to Jesus Christ (Daniel 25-27)
(A) 70 Weeks, Part 1: 7 Weeks – rebuilding of Jerusalem & coming of anointed one
(B) 70 Weeks, Part 2: 62 Weeks – continued rebuilding of Jerusalem in “troubled time”
(C) 70 Weeks, Part 3: 1 Week – anointed one cut off forging a covenant, a prince’s people will destroy Jerusalem. – Last week is described twice.
Jesus is the fulfillment of this text. He fulfills both what was to be accomplished in the 70 weeks, and he fulfills the historical contours of what would happen in the 70 weeks. The way that God answers Daniel’s prayers for the forgiveness of the sins of God’s people is by helping him to forward to the good news of a covenant that would be forged in a “messiah” that would be cut of – namely, Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5-11; Hebrews 10:1-14).
“Shield Me, Lord” Psalm 144:1-15
Theme: God is the sovereign protector of His people.
Aim: Pray that God would shape our church like this: Humble trust in God > Issuing to humble authority > leading strength in our church > trusting in God as our Shield and sovereign Protector > leading to blessedness.
(1) God Is Our Strength (Psalm 144:1-2)
(2) We Don’t Deserve God (Psalm 143:3-6)
(3) God Is a Warrior (Psalm 144:5-8)
(4) God’s Protection Leads to Worship (Psalm 144:9-11)
(5) God’s People Are Blessed (Psalm 144:12-15)
“Satisfy Me, Lord” Psalm 143:1-12
Theme: God satisfies His people in justification, His past and future grace, and His covenant love.
Aim: Is David’s satisfaction yours?
“Where should you run in your trials? Where can you find satisfaction?”
(1) God’s Power to Justify (Psalm 143:1-2)
(2) God’s Grace in the Past (Psalm 143:3-6)
(3) God’s Grace in the Future (Psalm 143:7-10)
(4) God’s Covenant Love For His People (Psalm 143:11-12)
“The Beginning of Israel” Genesis 32:1-36:43
Theme: God fulfills his promise to graciously create and preserve His people contrary to what they deserve.
Aim: Be reconciled to God through the Messiah-offspring of Israel, Jesus Christ.
(1) Can men strive with God? (Genesis 32:1-32)
(2) Is reconciliation possible? (Genesis 33:1-20)
(3) Is there any justice? (Genesis 34:1-31)
(4) The beginning of Israel (Genesis 35:1-36:43)
“God’s Promise Extends to Isaac” Genesis 21:1-25:18
Theme: Though God’s covenant people struggle with unbelief as they wait, God keeps His promises.
Aim: “Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” (Psalm 27:14)
(1) Faith & Unbelief in God (Genesis 21:1-33)
(2) Faith that God Can Raise the Dead (Genesis 22:1-23)
(3) Faith that God Will Fulfill His Promises (Genesis 23:1-25:18
“The Beginning of Sin & Misery” Genesis 2:4-3:24
Theme: We deserve God’s eternal wrath for our sin, but God promised a Savior.
Aim: Shame, guilt, death, suffering, fear, and misery can all be traced back to this day, mourn over your sin and as God for forgiveness.
(1) Life (Genesis 2:4-7)
(2) Paradise (Genesis 2:8-14)
(3) Relationship (Genesis 2:18-25)
(4) Covenant (Genesis 2:15-17)
(5) Fall (Genesis 3:1-13)
(6) Hope (Genesis 3:15-25)
“Baptism” Romans 6:1-14
Theme: Baptism is the immersing of believers in Jesus Christ united them to the church and is a picture of conversion from sin to Jesus Christ.
Aim: Let us be found faithful as we practice baptism corresponding to faith in Christ, an appeal for a good conscience washed clean through the blood of Christ.
(1) A Picture of Conversion (Romans 5-6)
(2) Immersion In Water (Matthew 13:13-17; Romans 6:3-11)
(3) For Repenting Believers In Jesus Christ (Matthew 3:6, 11; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Acts 8:12-13; 18:8; )
(4) Union to Church (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:41-42; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13)
a. What about infant baptism?
(5) Baptism Doesn’t Save You (1 Peter 3:21)
“God Redeems His People” Ruth 4:1-22
Theme: God redeems His people.
Aim: Put your hope in God’s redemption through Ruth’s great-great grandson; King David’s greater Son, Jesus Christ.
(1) A Proper Redeemer (Ruth 4:1-6)
(2) God’s Promise (Ruth 4:7-12)
(3) A Marriage (Ruth 4:13-17)
(4) Genealogy of Another Redeemer (Ruth 4:18-22)
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