Sermons on Power
“Jesus Christ Is Worthy of Your All” Mark 12:35-44
Theme: Jesus is David’s Lord and son, beware of teachers who crave money and honor, and give your all to God.
Aim: Worship God with your all, pray God would guard us from false teachers, pray that God would use our church to further His gospel
(1) God’s King is David’s Son & Lord (Mark 12:35-37)
(2) False Teachers Take for Selfish Gain (Mark 12:38-40)
(3) Give Your All to God (Mark 12:41-44).
“Freedom from Slavery to Sin” Mark 8:27-38
Theme: Jesus is the Messiah, who came to die and be raised from the dead, who requires our death.
Aim: Trust in Jesus as God’s Messiah, trust in the power of His death and resurrection alone to save you from sin, death and God’s wrath, and die to your self-centeredness. Die to yourself so that Jesus might be all in your life. Take up the cross of identifying with Jesus in the face of the opposition of this world.
(1) Who Is Jesus? Mark (8:27-30)
(2) What Did Jesus Have to Do? (Mark 8:31-33)
(3) What Does Jesus Require of Us? (Mark 8:34–38)
“King of All” Mark 8:1-26
Theme: Only Jesus has the power to satisfy and only He can open our eyes to understand who He is.
Aim: See Jesus in His power, have your eyes opened up to be able to more fully behold His beauty, and that God would quiet our argumentative hearts.
(1) Jesus Has Power to Satisfy (Mark 8:1-10)
(2) Argumentative & Blind Hearts (Mark 8:11-13)
(3) Hard Hearts (Mark 8:14-21)
(4) Jesus Gives Sight (Mark 8:22-26).