Sermons on Waiting
“Blessed Is He Who Waits & Arrives” Daniel 12:1-13
An Expositional Sermon Daniel 12:1-13 “Blessed Is He Who Waits & Arrives” Big Idea/Theme: God will bring history to a close in final judgment adjudging the wicked to endless punishment and the righteous to endless joy. Application/Aim: Pray that God would preserve us to the end and that in the face of trials and persecutions each of us would fight for joy in eternal blessedness and happiness that God promises to those who persevere to the end. Outline: (1) God Wins! (Daniel 12:1-3) (2) Resurrection…
“Jesus Has Authority” Mark 5:1-43
Theme: Jesus has authority over men, spirits, illness, life and death.
Aim: Lay down your life to worship Christ by killing the idols to which our heart too often clings.
Jesus has…
(1) Authority over those living among the dead (Mark 5:1-13)
(2) Authority that stirs up the community (Mark 5:14-20)
a. Beggar 1 – “Jesus, please leave.”
b. Beggar 2 – “Jesus, please let me be with you.”
(3) More authority than any physician (Mark 5:21-34)
a. Jairus’ request (vv. 21-23)
b. Woman with the discharge (vv. 24-34)
(4) Authority to raise the dead (Mark 5:35-43).
“God Provides for His People” Ruth 2:1-3:18
Theme: God’s people are refugees who take refuge in God by seeking a Redeemer and waiting for redemption.
Aim: Take refuge from the trials of this world and from God’s eternal wrath in the Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
(1) The Lord Is a Refuge (Ruth 2:1-13)
(2) God’s People are Refugees (Ruth 2:14-23)
(3) God’s People Pursue a Redeemer (Ruth 3:1-15)
(4) God’s People Waiting for Redemption (Ruth 3:16-18)