Sermons on Faith Alone

Sermons on Faith Alone

“Love Christ’s Appearing” 2 Timothy 4:6-8

An Expositional Sermon 2 Timothy 4:6-8 “Love Christ’s Appearing” Theme/Big Idea: The charge to “preach the Word” is grounded in the knowledge of Paul’s coming death, and the hope of the gospel is receiving the award of justification in the face of God’s coming wrath. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Love Christ’s appearing and put your trust in Him and not yourself. Outline: 1. Preach the Word (2 Timothy 4:6) 2. A Christian Is a Soldier, Athlete, Farmer (2 Timothy 4:7) 3. Do You Love…

“Are You a Sin-Sick Sinner?” Mark 2:1-17

Theme: Jesus came for the sick, forgiving sin and calling sinners. Aim: Pray with me, “God convict us of our sin, forgive us for the ways that we have sinned, and save us from Your wrath to come through faith alone in the substitutionary death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.” (1) Jesus Forgives Sinners (Mark 2:1-12) (2) Jesus Calls “Sell Outs” (Mark 2:13-14) (3) Jesus Came for the Sick (Mark 2:15-17)

“Love God!” Mark 12:28-34

Theme: We are only able to love God and our neighbors through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Aim: Are there ways that you can give yourself more fully to God in worshipping Him with your whole life? (1) Hear – Listen (Mark 12:28-29) (2) Believe God Is One (Mark 12:29) (3) Love God (Mark 12:30) (4) Love Your Neighbor (Mark 12:31-34)