Sermons on Gospels
“A True Testimony” John 21:20-25
Big Idea: The bible is true, lean upon Jesus’s love with right expectations. (1) Lean Upon Christ’s Love (John 21:20)(2) Right Expectations (John 21:21-23)(3) True Written Witness Testimony (John 21:24-25)
“Gracious Restoration!” John 21:15-19
Big Idea: Jesus forgives and graciously restores His people. (1) Christ’s Love (John 21:15a)(2) Our Love (John 21:15b-17)(3) The Cost of Following (John 21:18-19)
“It Is the Lord!” John 21:1-14
Big Idea: Jesus is the Lord who never stops pursuing his lambs in their weakness. (1) Zero Catch (John 21:1-3)(2) King Fisher (John 21:4-8)(3) The Lord’s Breakfast (John 21:9-14)
“He Appeared to Many that We May Believe” John 20:11-31
Big Idea: Build your life upon the promises of Christ. Four Promises of Christ after his resurrection…(1) Comfort (John 20:10-18)(2) Forgiveness (John 20:19-23)(3) Blessing (John 20:24-29)(4) Life (John 20:30-31)