

“The Government of the Churches of Christ” Chapters 5-6 by Thomas Goodwin

On Friday mornings at 5:30am we read through books by faithful Christians through from church history. We are currently reading through Volume 11 of Thomas Goodwin’s Works, “Of the Constitution, Right Order, and Government of the Churches of Christ.”  Todays reading was from Chapters 5-6 Chapter 5: “That there are ordinances of public worship established in churches under the New Testament, which are to continue to the end of the world. ” Chapter 6: “That by excommunication more is meant…

“The Government of the Churches of Christ” Chapters 3-4a by Thomas Goodwin

On Friday mornings at 5:30am we read through books by faithful Christians through from church history. We are currently reading through Volume 11 of Thomas Goodwin’s Works, “Of the Constitution, Right Order, and Government of the Churches of Christ.”  Todays reading was from Chapters 3-4a Chapter 3: “That Christ hath, by his own institution, established order, discipline, and government of his churches, proved by several arguments.” Chapter 4a: “What power spiritual or ecclesiastical is. – Of the nature of a…