Sermons on Sick
“Are You a Sin-Sick Sinner?” Mark 2:1-17
Theme: Jesus came for the sick, forgiving sin and calling sinners.
Aim: Pray with me, “God convict us of our sin, forgive us for the ways that we have sinned, and save us from Your wrath to come through faith alone in the substitutionary death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.”
(1) Jesus Forgives Sinners (Mark 2:1-12)
(2) Jesus Calls “Sell Outs” (Mark 2:13-14)
(3) Jesus Came for the Sick (Mark 2:15-17)
“King for Sinners” Mark 2:1-17
Theme: Jesus came for the sick, forgiving sin and calling sinners.
Aim: Jesus is a king for sinners who feel their need for him. You can’t have Jesus as your king unless you’re a sinner. If you refuse to acknowledge you’re a sinner, friend drop your guise. Drop your pride. Open your eyes and see your need in the face of the coming judgment of a holy God. Turn from your sin and trust in Jesus as your king.
(1) Jesus Forgives Sinners (Mark 2:1-12)
(2) Jesus Calls “Sell Outs” (Mark 2:13-14)
(3) Jesus Came for the Sick (Mark 2:15-17)