Sermons on Murder
“The First Family” Genesis 4:1-26
Theme: God’s promise holds firm even as sin spreads.
Aim: Beware of religion that is filled with activity, but has no love for Christ that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith (1 Tim. 1:5).
(1) A Child (Genesis 4:1)
(2) A Tale of Two Brothers (Genesis 4:1-7)
(3) Murder and It’s Fruit (Genesis 4:8-24)
(4) Another Child (Genesis 4:25-26)
“Jesus’ Authority Was Rejected” Mark 11:27-12:12
Theme: Jesus has authority, our sin is responsible for His death, and the fear of man is a roadblock to Christ.
Aim: Submit to the authority of Jesus, see how your sinful heart is deceived to love sin, see how your fear and dishonesty with God can stand in the way of your relationship with God through Christ.
(1) Do You Reject Authority? (Mark 11:27-33)
(2) Would You Kill Jesus? (Mark 12:1-11)
(3) What Are You Afraid Of? (Mark 12:1)