Old Testament Overview Sermons
“Wisdom in Life” Proverbs 1:1-31:31 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Proverbs 1:1-31:31 “Wisdom in Life” Theme/Big Idea: … Aim/Appropriation/Application: … Outline: … Questions for Further Study: …
“Wisdom in Song” Psalms 1:1-150:6 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Psalm 1:1-150:6 “Wisdom in Song” Theme/Big Idea: forthcoming… Aim/Appropriation/Application: forthcoming… Outline: forthcoming… Questions for Further Study: Forthcoming…
“Wisdom in Suffering” Job 1:1-42:17 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Job 1:1-42:17 “Wisdom in Suffering” Theme/Big Idea: Wisdom is trusting God and repenting of sin, even when we don’t understand. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Trust God in your sorrows; He faithful still remains, trust in Jesus Christ the Redeemer in whom Job hopes. Outline: (1) There Is a Hidden Reality (2) We Suffer, We Often Don’t Understand (3) Wisdom Is Dependance & Trust in God (4) Job’s Righteousness Doesn’t Contradict The Bible (5) God’s Word Rule Supreme (6) The Wisdom of Job…
“God Is a Just Warrior” Lamentations 1:1-5:22 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Lamentations 1:1-5:22 “God Is a Just Warrior” Theme/Big Idea: God warns disciplines His people and warns of His coming just judgment for sin. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Don’t fail to listen to the warning of what is coming for those who reject God. Outline: Six things we learn about God in Lamentations… 1. God Is a Just Judge 2. God Is Angry 3. God Is Wrathful 4. God Wars Against Sin 5. God’s Word is Pivotal 6. God is the Only Source of Comfort…
“A More Powerful Kingdom” Daniel 1:1-12:13 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Daniel 1:1-12:13 Old Testament Overview Sermon “A More Powerful Kingdom” Big Idea/Theme: God’s kingdom is a more powerful kingdom than the kingdoms of this world. Application/Aim: Repent and believe in the Son of Man, and in the face of the raging of the nations that we see in this fallen world, don’t lose hope in the promises of God to His people. Outline: (1) God Is Sovereign Over the Past & Present (Daniel 1:1-6:28) (2) God Is Sovereign Over the Future…
“Creation & Promise” Genesis 1:1-50:26 (Overview)
Theme: God created all things, man fell in sin, God made a promise of a savior, and God keeps His promises. Aim: That as we see how this book is pointing at Jesus Christ our hearts would grow to love Christ more, and that we would grow in our understanding of why things are the way they are in this world.
(1) Creation (Genesis 1-2)
(2) Fall (Genesis 2-3)
(3) Redemption (Genesis 3:14-15)
(4) God’s Promise to Abram, Isaac & Jacob (Genesis 12-36)
(5) Israel to Egypt (Genesis 37-50)
“Justice Fuels Worship” Habakkuk 1:1-3:19 (Overview)
Theme: God is perfectly just in His judgment.
Aim: Labor to train your emotions in the context of faith.
(1) Will God conquer evil? Yes! (Habakkuk 1:1-11)
(2) Is this really God’s plan “A”? Yes! (Habakkuk 1:12-2:20)
(3) Faith in God’s Justice Fuels Prayer, Singing, and Contentment (Habakkuk 3:1-19)