Sermons on Depravity

Sermons on Depravity

“God’s Promise Extends to Jacob” Genesis 25:19-31:55

Theme: God will keep His promises and He will hold His people fast. Aim: Build your hopes in the promises of God, and have the Lord as your fear. (1) God Elects (Genesis 25:19-34; Malachi 1:2-3; Romans 9:13) a. Pray God’s promises (Genesis 25:21; 32:9-12) (2) God Is His People’s Fear (Genesis 26:1-35) (3) God Fulfills His Promise Through and To Sinners (Genesis 27:1-28:22) (4) God Gives Jacob a Family (Genesis 29:1-31:55)

“God Judges in Fire” Genesis 18:1-20:18

Theme: God is just in His judgment of humanity for their sins. Aim: Pray that God would make His love for us so real to our knowledge and experience that it expels our temptation to sin. (1) God Will Save His People (Genesis 18:1-33) (2) God Will Pour Out Wrath for Sin (Genesis 19:1-38) (3) The Struggle with Fear & Unbelief (Genesis 20:1-18)

“God Judges in Scattering” Genesis 11:1-32

Theme: God is the tower and security of His people, don’t reject Him by trying to build your own. Aim: Don’t put your pride, joy, and hope in the cities of this world or in the things that you build. Put your hope in God through Christ. (1) We Are Worshippers (Genesis 11:1-9) (2) Misdirected Worship (Genesis 11:1-9 & 10:8-12) (3) God’s Judgment (Genesis 11:5-7 & Psalm 2 & Isaiah 29:13-16) (4) God’s Mercy (Genesis 11:10-32)

“The Beginning of Sin & Misery” Genesis 2:4-3:24

Theme: We deserve God’s eternal wrath for our sin, but God promised a Savior. Aim: Shame, guilt, death, suffering, fear, and misery can all be traced back to this day, mourn over your sin and as God for forgiveness. (1) Life (Genesis 2:4-7) (2) Paradise (Genesis 2:8-14) (3) Relationship (Genesis 2:18-25) (4) Covenant (Genesis 2:15-17) (5) Fall (Genesis 3:1-13) (6) Hope (Genesis 3:15-25)

“What Does It Take to Reject God?” Mark 6:1-29

Theme: Rejecting God consists in offense and unbelief toward God, a lack of love for God’s people, not listening to the Bible, refusing to repent, and pursuing unsatisfying pleasures. Aim: See your unbelief, ask God to strengthen your faith, and trust in His ability to powerfully save you from the posture of underestimating that Jesus is mighty and true. Here’s how we reject God… (1) Be Offended & Don’t Believe in Jesus (Mark 6:1-6) (2) 3 “Do Nots” (Mark 6:7-13) a. Don’t Love God’s People (vv. 7-11, especially 11) b. Don’t Listen to the Apostles/Bible (vv. 7-11, especially 11) c. Don’t Turn from Your Sin (v. 12) (3) Ignore Who the Bible Says Jesus Is (Mark 6:14-16) (4) Pursue Weak Fleeting Pleasures (Mark 6:17-29)