Sermons on Fallen World

Sermons on Fallen World

“God Most High – Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:1-12

Theme: God is sovereign over all and will judge the nations. Aim: Be comforted and consoled as God’s people as we walk in exile in this world. The world will persecute you, and seek to destroy you, the world will lash out at God by coming against His people. If you trust in Christ that doesn’t mean you will live “your best life now.” Life here may not get easier if you trust in Christ, but your hope for God’s eternal kingdom will squelch out the empty promises of this fallen world. We will suffer, life will not be easy for God’s people in this world, but God’s perfect justice and judgment is coming. And He will usher His people into His eternal kingdom. (1) God Reveals (Daniel 7:1-3) (2) God Has Enemies (Daniel 7:4-8) (3) God Judges & Destroys His Enemies (Daniel 7:9-12)