Sermons on Persecution
“Continue in the Bible” 2 Timothy 3:10-15
An Expositional Sermon 2 Timothy 3:10-15 “Continue in the Bible” Theme/Big Idea: The gospel is sufficient for the past, present and future. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Pray that God would strengthen us to know this trustworthy guide of the sacred writings that are able to make us wise unto salvation. Outline: Introduction: The Difficulty of Stagecoach Travel In Iowa in the 1800’s 1. The Gospel Is Sufficient for the Past – What We Followed (2 Timothy 3:10) A. Teaching – 1 Cor. 1:23; 15:3-8; 5 “faithful sayings” (1)…
“Final Instructions in the Faith” 2 Timothy 1:1-4:22 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon 2 Timothy 1:1-4:22 (Overview Sermon) “Final Instructions in the Faith” Theme/Big Idea: Christ stands by and guards His people, so we live and suffer based on our love for Him rooted in the Bible, guarding the gospel, and standing by those in chains. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Build your life upon your hope in Christ and nothing else. Outline: (1) Christ Guards Us, So Guard the Gospel (2 Timothy 1:1-2:26) (2) Avoid Nominal Christians (2 Timothy 3:1-9) (3) Love Christ’s Appearing by Living on the…
“Blessed Is He Who Waits & Arrives” Daniel 12:1-13
An Expositional Sermon Daniel 12:1-13 “Blessed Is He Who Waits & Arrives” Big Idea/Theme: God will bring history to a close in final judgment adjudging the wicked to endless punishment and the righteous to endless joy. Application/Aim: Pray that God would preserve us to the end and that in the face of trials and persecutions each of us would fight for joy in eternal blessedness and happiness that God promises to those who persevere to the end. Outline: (1) God Wins! (Daniel 12:1-3) (2) Resurrection…
“The Raging of the Nations” Daniel 11:1-45
An Expositional Sermon Daniel 11:1-45 “The Raging of the Nations” Big Idea/Theme: The nations rage, but God works all things according to the counsel of His will. Application/Aim: Persevere in trusting in Christ in the midst of this troubled world. Outline: (1) The Nations Rage (Daniel 11:1-45) (2) The Nations Rage against God by Raging Against His People (Daniel 11:20-35) (3) God Is Sovereign Over the Raging of the Nations (Daniel 11:1-45) Questions for Further Reflection: (1) How should we live in…
“Responding to Tyranny” Daniel 8:1-27
Theme: God rules history, His people will suffer beyond returning from captivity.
Aim: Live soberly with the knowledge that this world is fallen. Pray that God will strengthen our hope with the knowledge that He rules history, and even if we are appalled by what we see, and horrified by what his people face, pray that He would set our hope on Him and His promise to finally give His kingdom to His people.
(1) God Rules History (Daniel 8:1-4, 20)
(2) God’s People Will Suffer (Daniel 8:5-14, 19, 21-26)
(3) How We Respond to Tyranny (Daniel 8:15-18, 27)
“God Most High – Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:1-12
Theme: God is sovereign over all and will judge the nations.
Aim: Be comforted and consoled as God’s people as we walk in exile in this world. The world will persecute you, and seek to destroy you, the world will lash out at God by coming against His people. If you trust in Christ that doesn’t mean you will live “your best life now.” Life here may not get easier if you trust in Christ, but your hope for God’s eternal kingdom will squelch out the empty promises of this fallen world. We will suffer, life will not be easy for God’s people in this world, but God’s perfect justice and judgment is coming. And He will usher His people into His eternal kingdom.
(1) God Reveals (Daniel 7:1-3)
(2) God Has Enemies (Daniel 7:4-8)
(3) God Judges & Destroys His Enemies (Daniel 7:9-12)
“What Is Man?” Daniel 6:1-28
Theme: Man is a reflection, under authority, powerless, and made to worship God.
Aim: Trust in the only God who is able to save us from the trials in this world and His eternal wrath that we deserve for our sin.
What is man?
(1) Man Is A Reflection (Daniel 6:1-9)
(2) Man Is Under Authority (Daniel 6:10-15)
(3) Man Is Powerless (Daniel 6:16-23)
(4) Man Is Made to Worship God (Daniel 6:24-28)
“Saved from Fire” Daniel 3:8-30
Theme: Only God can save us from fire.
Aim: Put your hope in Christ alone for salvation from the threats of this world, but also in the face of God’s eternal wrath.
(1) Ratted Out & Facing Rage (Daniel 3:8-15)
(2) Response: Faith (Daniel 3:16-18)
(3) God Saves (Daniel 3:19-25)
(4) There is No Other God (Daniel 3:26-30)
“Deliver Me, Lord” Psalm 140:1-13
Theme: God is our hope of salvation in the face of evil and wickedness.
Aim: Be encouraged that God is more powerful than what comes against us, and praise God that He is more powerful than our sin and our wickedness.
(1) Prayer for Deliverance and Defense (Psalm 140:1-3)
(2) The Lord Is the Strength of Our Salvation (Psalm 140:6-8)
(3) Prayer for God to Judge the Wicked (Psalm 140:9-13)
(4) Christ is the Fulfillment of this Psalm