Sermons on Despair
“The Raging of the Nations” Daniel 11:1-45
An Expositional Sermon Daniel 11:1-45 “The Raging of the Nations” Big Idea/Theme: The nations rage, but God works all things according to the counsel of His will. Application/Aim: Persevere in trusting in Christ in the midst of this troubled world. Outline: (1) The Nations Rage (Daniel 11:1-45) (2) The Nations Rage against God by Raging Against His People (Daniel 11:20-35) (3) God Is Sovereign Over the Raging of the Nations (Daniel 11:1-45) Questions for Further Reflection: (1) How should we live in…
“Judgment of the Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:15-28
Theme: God will give His people His kingdom forever.
Aim: Don’t despair in the face of suffering, persevere in waiting for Christ knowing that God keeps us firm in His grip and will finally and fully give us His kingdom.
(1) God’s People React to God’s Word (Daniel 7:15-16)
(2) God’s People Receive God’s Kingdom Forever (Daniel 7:17-18)
(3) God’s People Are At War (Daniel 7:19-25)
(4) God Gives His People All Dominion (Daniel 7:26-28)