Sermons on Humility
“Slaves Honor Masters” 1 Timothy 6:1-2a
An Expositional Sermon 1 Timothy 6:1-2a “Slaves Honor Masters” Theme/Big Idea: Believers who are bond-servants honor their masters. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Show all honor to the authorities that the Lord has placed over you in your life. Outline: (1) Give All Honor to Masters (1 Timothy 5:17-18) (2) Giving Honor Where Honor May Not Be Due (1 Timothy 5:19-21) (3) Honor for the Name of God (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Questions for Further Reflection (1) What do you do when you are in a circumstance that you feel…
“Discipling – We Disciple Others” Matthew 28:18-20
A Topical Sermon “Discipling – We Disciple Others” Outline: (1) We Disciple Others By Imitating Jesus Christ (2) We Disciple Others By Inviting Others To Imitate Us As We Imitate Christ (3) We Disciple Others In The Context Of The Local Church Questions for Further Reflection: (1) How does your life affect the people who are around you? How do you use your influence? Are there ways that your discontentment (or other sins) – like that of the sheep “Mrs. Gad-about” – affects…
“A More Powerful Kingdom” Daniel 1:1-12:13 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Daniel 1:1-12:13 Old Testament Overview Sermon “A More Powerful Kingdom” Big Idea/Theme: God’s kingdom is a more powerful kingdom than the kingdoms of this world. Application/Aim: Repent and believe in the Son of Man, and in the face of the raging of the nations that we see in this fallen world, don’t lose hope in the promises of God to His people. Outline: (1) God Is Sovereign Over the Past & Present (Daniel 1:1-6:28) (2) God Is Sovereign Over the Future…
“Confession of Sin” Daniel 9:1-19
Big Idea: God’s people go to His word and respond in confession and pleading.
Application: Pray that God would give us the gifts of repentance and faith. Ask God to forgive you and others for sin. Come to God not based upon our insufficient righteousness, but based upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone.
(1) God’s People Go to God’s Word (Daniel 9:1-2)
(2) God’s People Respond to God’s Word – Confession (Daniel 9:3-14)
A. Our confession of sin is a response to the difference between who God is and who we are. We see this 4 times in vv. 4-14.
B. God’s appointed leaders will be held to account (v. 6 and 8)
C. God’s People Pray Prayers of Confession
(3) God’s People Respond to God’s Word – Intercession (Daniel 9:15-19)
“How Pride Works” Daniel 4:1-37
Theme: God rules and we don’t.
Aim: Take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.
(1) Good News (Daniel 4:1-3)
(2) Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Daniel 4:4-18)
(3) Bad News (Daniel 4:19-27)
(4) God’s Word Fullfilled (Daniel 4:28-33)
(5) The Fruit of God’s Word (Daniel 4:34-37)
“Shield Me, Lord” Psalm 144:1-15
Theme: God is the sovereign protector of His people.
Aim: Pray that God would shape our church like this: Humble trust in God > Issuing to humble authority > leading strength in our church > trusting in God as our Shield and sovereign Protector > leading to blessedness.
(1) God Is Our Strength (Psalm 144:1-2)
(2) We Don’t Deserve God (Psalm 143:3-6)
(3) God Is a Warrior (Psalm 144:5-8)
(4) God’s Protection Leads to Worship (Psalm 144:9-11)
(5) God’s People Are Blessed (Psalm 144:12-15)
“Who Stands Between You and God?” Mark 10:1-31
Theme: Jesus defines marriage, receives children, and invites us to lose everything to follow Him.
Aim: Be humbled in light of Jesus’ teaching about marriage, that He would make us more like children in our dependence upon Him, and be helped by Him to lose all things in order to follow Christ.
(1) Divorce & Marriage (Mark 10:1-12)
(2) Self & Children (Mark 10:13-16)
(3) Selfishness in Riches (Mark 10:17-31)
“Approaching Salvation” Mark 9:14-50
Theme: Faith in Christ is being fully dependent upon Jesus’ death and resurrection and it bears the fruit of humility, cooperation, and perseverance.
Aim: Let this text strengthen your faith and bear the fruit of humility and perseverance in your fight against your sin with hope in the gospel. Let this text help you to see the seriousness of God’s coming wrath.
(1) Faith Is Fundamental (Mark 9:14-29)
(2) The Cross & Resurrection Fuel Faith (Mark 9:30-32)
(3) Faith Leads to Humility (Mark 9:33-37)
(4) Faith Encourages Others to Serve Christ (Mark 9:38-41)
(5) Faith is a Fight (Mark 9:42-50)
“Imitate Lives Worthy of the Gospel” Philippians 2:19-3:21
Theme: We are called to imitate faithful brothers and sisters in Christ who live lives worthy of the gospel.
Aim: Follow Christ by following those who follow Christ.
(1) Imitate Timothy (Philippians 2:19-24)
a. Humble/Selfless
b. Gospel Service/Slave of Jesus Christ
(2) Imitate Epaphroditus (Philippians 2:25-30)
a. Selfless
b. Held his life loosely/Willingness to die for Christ
c. Eager to serve the church/Complete what was lacking
(3) Imitate Paul (Philippians 3:1-16)
a. Don’t add anything to the gospel
(4) Consider Outcome of Your Imitation (Philippians 3:17-21)