Sermons on Beggar
“Jesus Has Authority” Mark 5:1-43
Theme: Jesus has authority over men, spirits, illness, life and death.
Aim: Lay down your life to worship Christ by killing the idols to which our heart too often clings.
Jesus has…
(1) Authority over those living among the dead (Mark 5:1-13)
(2) Authority that stirs up the community (Mark 5:14-20)
a. Beggar 1 – “Jesus, please leave.”
b. Beggar 2 – “Jesus, please let me be with you.”
(3) More authority than any physician (Mark 5:21-34)
a. Jairus’ request (vv. 21-23)
b. Woman with the discharge (vv. 24-34)
(4) Authority to raise the dead (Mark 5:35-43).