The Authority of God in His Church
“Elements, Forms & Circumstances of Corporate Worship”
A Topical Sermon“Elements, Forms & Circumstances of Corporate Worship” Big Idea: God commends churches who pursue orderliness according to His Word rooted in Jesus’ Christ’s work in the gospel. Application: We seek to bind consciences regarding our church gatherings with what we see commanded, exemplified or theologically compelled in the Bible alone. (1) Elements, Forms & Circumstances and the Lord’s Day(2) The Element, Forms & Circumstances of Preaching(3) Other Elements of Corporate Worshipa. Call to Worshipb. Corporate Readings and Confessionsc.…
“The Regulative Principle”
A Topical Sermon“The Regulative Principle” Big Idea: Jesus rules His church through His Word in the Bible.Application: Pray that God would help us to rightly honor Him by not going beyond what He has said in the Bible together in our church. God’s Word is authoritative for all of life, and this morning we’re specifically considering how it is authoritative for the gathering of the local church. (1) God’s Word Alone Binds the Conscience(2) God’s Word Commands Membership & Attendance…
“God’s Authority & His Word”
A Topical Sermon“God’s Authority & His Word” Big Idea: God rules over all things by His Word.Application: Give your life to hearing God’s Word. (1) God’s Name Is “Yahweh”(2) God Creates by His Word(3) God Rules by His Word