Sermons on Good News
“Evangelism – Sharing the Gospel With the Aim to Persuade” 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
A Topical Sermon “Evangelism – Sharing the Gospel With the Aim to Persuade” Outline: (1) What Is Evangelism? (2) “Good News” in the Bible (3) The Gospel of Jesus Christ (4) Christians Share the Gospel (5) Ultimate Motivation – The Glory of God (6) Successful Evangelism (7) Join a Church to Partner in Evangelism
“God’s Word Expresses His Love” Daniel 9:20-27
Big Idea/Theme: God’s Word is an expression of His love for His people.
Application/Aim: Embrace the love of God for His people by trusting in Jesus Christ.
(1) God’s Word Points Us to His Love for Us in Jesus Christ (Daniel 9:20-23)
(2) God’s Promises Are Fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Daniel 9:24)
(A) First description of the 70 weeks in v. 24: 6 promises to be accomplished
(B) Second description of the 70 weeks in vv. 25-27: Historical things that will happen.
(3) History Points to Jesus Christ (Daniel 25-27)
(A) 70 Weeks, Part 1: 7 Weeks – rebuilding of Jerusalem & coming of anointed one
(B) 70 Weeks, Part 2: 62 Weeks – continued rebuilding of Jerusalem in “troubled time”
(C) 70 Weeks, Part 3: 1 Week – anointed one cut off forging a covenant, a prince’s people will destroy Jerusalem. – Last week is described twice.
Jesus is the fulfillment of this text. He fulfills both what was to be accomplished in the 70 weeks, and he fulfills the historical contours of what would happen in the 70 weeks. The way that God answers Daniel’s prayers for the forgiveness of the sins of God’s people is by helping him to forward to the good news of a covenant that would be forged in a “messiah” that would be cut of – namely, Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:5-11; Hebrews 10:1-14).
“How Pride Works” Daniel 4:1-37
Theme: God rules and we don’t.
Aim: Take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.
(1) Good News (Daniel 4:1-3)
(2) Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Daniel 4:4-18)
(3) Bad News (Daniel 4:19-27)
(4) God’s Word Fullfilled (Daniel 4:28-33)
(5) The Fruit of God’s Word (Daniel 4:34-37)
What Is the Gospel? Romans 1:1-3:31
Theme: The gospel is the good news of how we can be saved from God’s wrath for our sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Aim: Repent and believe in the gospel.
(1) God – The gospel is God’s righteousness revealed (Romans 1:1-17)
a. There is a God
b. The gospel is God’s message
i. The gospel is the message that was foretold (Romans 1:1-3; 3:21)
ii. The gospel is a message about God’s Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 1:9)
iii. The gospel is a message (Romans 1:1, 5-6, 9, 11-15)
iv. The gospel has power toward all who believe (Romans 1:16)
v. The gospel reveals God’s righteousness (Romans 1:17)
(2) Man – The gospel demands an understanding of God’s wrath for man’s unrighteousness (1:18-3:20)
a. God is wrathful for unrighteousness (Romans 1:18-32)
b. God judges the secrets of men by Jesus Christ (Romans 2:1-29)
c. No human being will be justified in God’s sight by works of the law (Romans 3:1-20)
(3) Christ – The gospel is God’s saving righteousness for His people in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:21-3:31)
a. Righteousness apart from the law
b. What are you trusting in for salvation?
(4) Response – The gospel demands that all mankind repent and believe in Jesus Christ (1:5, 17, 25, 28; 2:1-5, 4, 7, 8; etc.)
“King of Rest” Mark 2:18-3:6
Theme: We need the new King Jesus Christ over our old cold, violent, sinful hearts.
Aim: We face sorrow and trials in our lives, but if we have Christ we have a rest that nothing can touch.
(1) New vs. Old (Mark 2:18-22)
a. Why don’t Jesus’ disciples fast?
b. The wedding guests
c. Unshrunk cloth & new wine
(2) New – The King of Rest (Mark 2:13-14)
(3) Old – Sinful Violent Hearts (Mark 2:15-17)
“King Jesus” Mark 1:16-45
Theme: Jesus rules over men, spirits, and illness, and His prayerful mission was to preach the gospel.
Aim: Turn from the empty kings of this world, and have Christ as your King.
Jesus is…
(1) King over men (Mark 1:14-20)
(2) King over spirits (Mark 1:21-28, 32)
(3) King over illness (Mark 1:29-34, 40-45)
(4) A King who prays and preaches (Mark 1:35-39)
“God Provides for His People” Ruth 2:1-3:18
Theme: God’s people are refugees who take refuge in God by seeking a Redeemer and waiting for redemption.
Aim: Take refuge from the trials of this world and from God’s eternal wrath in the Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
(1) The Lord Is a Refuge (Ruth 2:1-13)
(2) God’s People are Refugees (Ruth 2:14-23)
(3) God’s People Pursue a Redeemer (Ruth 3:1-15)
(4) God’s People Waiting for Redemption (Ruth 3:16-18)