Sermons on Preserve
“Blessed Is He Who Waits & Arrives” Daniel 12:1-13
An Expositional Sermon Daniel 12:1-13 “Blessed Is He Who Waits & Arrives” Big Idea/Theme: God will bring history to a close in final judgment adjudging the wicked to endless punishment and the righteous to endless joy. Application/Aim: Pray that God would preserve us to the end and that in the face of trials and persecutions each of us would fight for joy in eternal blessedness and happiness that God promises to those who persevere to the end. Outline: (1) God Wins! (Daniel 12:1-3) (2) Resurrection…
“Judgment of the Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:15-28
Theme: God will give His people His kingdom forever.
Aim: Don’t despair in the face of suffering, persevere in waiting for Christ knowing that God keeps us firm in His grip and will finally and fully give us His kingdom.
(1) God’s People React to God’s Word (Daniel 7:15-16)
(2) God’s People Receive God’s Kingdom Forever (Daniel 7:17-18)
(3) God’s People Are At War (Daniel 7:19-25)
(4) God Gives His People All Dominion (Daniel 7:26-28)
“Faithfulness & Fruitfulness” Daniel 1:8-21
Theme: As we live in this world we are resolved to love God more than the world
Aim: Find comfort in God’s power to keep us, and that because of Christ we would be encouraged to be faithful, even as we walk as pilgrims in this world longing for the great revealing of our home in the Jerusalem from above (Gal. 4:26; Rev. 21:1-8). Persevere in faithfulness as we wait for our home with God forever.
(1) Faithfulness, Resolved Resistance (Daniel 1:8-10)
(2) God Gives (Daniel 1:11-17)
(3) Fruitfulness, God’s Grace in Perseverance (Daniel 1:18-21)
“Forced Away from Home” Daniel 1:1-7
Theme: God keeps His Word and preserves His people in exile.
Aim: Thou we mourn in lonely exile often in this world; Rejoice! Emmanuel has come and will come again to finally and fully ransom His people from the fall and from sin.
(1) God Is In Control (Daniel 1:1-2)
(2) How the World Works (Daniel 1:3-5)
(3) What Is Your Identity? (Daniel 1:6-7)
“Thank You, Lord” Psalm 138:1-8
Theme: God is worthy of our thanks and praise because of who He is and because of what He has done.
Aim: It’s my prayer that God will bind us up with these truths, and that whether it’s the events of this week, or some other trial we are facing, that we will take refuge in Jesus Christ alone.
(1) Individual Thanks (Psalm 138:1-3)
(2) Corporate Thanks (Psalm 138:4-6)
(3) The Source of Thanks (Psalm 138:7-8)