Sermons on Comfort
“God Is a Just Warrior” Lamentations 1:1-5:22 (Overview)
An Expositional Sermon Lamentations 1:1-5:22 “God Is a Just Warrior” Theme/Big Idea: God warns disciplines His people and warns of His coming just judgment for sin. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Don’t fail to listen to the warning of what is coming for those who reject God. Outline: Six things we learn about God in Lamentations… 1. God Is a Just Judge 2. God Is Angry 3. God Is Wrathful 4. God Wars Against Sin 5. God’s Word is Pivotal 6. God is the Only Source of Comfort…
“Discipling – We Disciple Others” Matthew 28:18-20
A Topical Sermon “Discipling – We Disciple Others” Outline: (1) We Disciple Others By Imitating Jesus Christ (2) We Disciple Others By Inviting Others To Imitate Us As We Imitate Christ (3) We Disciple Others In The Context Of The Local Church Questions for Further Reflection: (1) How does your life affect the people who are around you? How do you use your influence? Are there ways that your discontentment (or other sins) – like that of the sheep “Mrs. Gad-about” – affects…
“God Most High – Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:1-12
Theme: God is sovereign over all and will judge the nations.
Aim: Be comforted and consoled as God’s people as we walk in exile in this world. The world will persecute you, and seek to destroy you, the world will lash out at God by coming against His people. If you trust in Christ that doesn’t mean you will live “your best life now.” Life here may not get easier if you trust in Christ, but your hope for God’s eternal kingdom will squelch out the empty promises of this fallen world. We will suffer, life will not be easy for God’s people in this world, but God’s perfect justice and judgment is coming. And He will usher His people into His eternal kingdom.
(1) God Reveals (Daniel 7:1-3)
(2) God Has Enemies (Daniel 7:4-8)
(3) God Judges & Destroys His Enemies (Daniel 7:9-12)
“Faithfulness & Fruitfulness” Daniel 1:8-21
Theme: As we live in this world we are resolved to love God more than the world
Aim: Find comfort in God’s power to keep us, and that because of Christ we would be encouraged to be faithful, even as we walk as pilgrims in this world longing for the great revealing of our home in the Jerusalem from above (Gal. 4:26; Rev. 21:1-8). Persevere in faithfulness as we wait for our home with God forever.
(1) Faithfulness, Resolved Resistance (Daniel 1:8-10)
(2) God Gives (Daniel 1:11-17)
(3) Fruitfulness, God’s Grace in Perseverance (Daniel 1:18-21)