Sermons on Vocation
“God Judges in Scattering” Genesis 11:1-32
Theme: God is the tower and security of His people, don’t reject Him by trying to build your own.
Aim: Don’t put your pride, joy, and hope in the cities of this world or in the things that you build. Put your hope in God through Christ.
(1) We Are Worshippers (Genesis 11:1-9)
(2) Misdirected Worship (Genesis 11:1-9 & 10:8-12)
(3) God’s Judgment (Genesis 11:5-7 & Psalm 2 & Isaiah 29:13-16)
(4) God’s Mercy (Genesis 11:10-32)
“The First Family” Genesis 4:1-26
Theme: God’s promise holds firm even as sin spreads.
Aim: Beware of religion that is filled with activity, but has no love for Christ that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith (1 Tim. 1:5).
(1) A Child (Genesis 4:1)
(2) A Tale of Two Brothers (Genesis 4:1-7)
(3) Murder and It’s Fruit (Genesis 4:8-24)
(4) Another Child (Genesis 4:25-26)