Sermons on Grace
“God Is a Stronghold for the Oppressed” Psalm 9:1-20
An Expositional Sermon Psalm 9:1-20 “God Is a Stronghold for the Oppressed” Theme/Big Idea: God’s people respond to God with thanks, trust, telling, asking for God’s grace, acknowledging His judgment, and asking Him to not let men prevail Aim/Appropriation/Application: Pursue maturity in Christ by responding to God in the 5 ways listed below in the outline. Outline: (1) Give Thanks and Praise to God (Psalm 9:1-2) (2) Put Your Trust in God (Psalm 9:3-10) (3) Tell God’s Deeds Among the Peoples (Psalm 9:11-12) (4) Ask for…
“Faithfulness & Fruitfulness” Daniel 1:8-21
Theme: As we live in this world we are resolved to love God more than the world
Aim: Find comfort in God’s power to keep us, and that because of Christ we would be encouraged to be faithful, even as we walk as pilgrims in this world longing for the great revealing of our home in the Jerusalem from above (Gal. 4:26; Rev. 21:1-8). Persevere in faithfulness as we wait for our home with God forever.
(1) Faithfulness, Resolved Resistance (Daniel 1:8-10)
(2) God Gives (Daniel 1:11-17)
(3) Fruitfulness, God’s Grace in Perseverance (Daniel 1:18-21)
“Shield Me, Lord” Psalm 144:1-15
Theme: God is the sovereign protector of His people.
Aim: Pray that God would shape our church like this: Humble trust in God > Issuing to humble authority > leading strength in our church > trusting in God as our Shield and sovereign Protector > leading to blessedness.
(1) God Is Our Strength (Psalm 144:1-2)
(2) We Don’t Deserve God (Psalm 143:3-6)
(3) God Is a Warrior (Psalm 144:5-8)
(4) God’s Protection Leads to Worship (Psalm 144:9-11)
(5) God’s People Are Blessed (Psalm 144:12-15)
“Satisfy Me, Lord” Psalm 143:1-12
Theme: God satisfies His people in justification, His past and future grace, and His covenant love.
Aim: Is David’s satisfaction yours?
“Where should you run in your trials? Where can you find satisfaction?”
(1) God’s Power to Justify (Psalm 143:1-2)
(2) God’s Grace in the Past (Psalm 143:3-6)
(3) God’s Grace in the Future (Psalm 143:7-10)
(4) God’s Covenant Love For His People (Psalm 143:11-12)
“Serving in the Spirit” Romans 7:1-6
An Expositional Sermon Shane Walker is the pastor of Andover Baptist Church in Linthicum, Maryland. He grew up in Iowa, and graduated from the University of Iowa in 1996. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kimberly, have four children: Hannah, Malee, James, and John Calvin.
“God Judges in Scattering” Genesis 11:1-32
Theme: God is the tower and security of His people, don’t reject Him by trying to build your own.
Aim: Don’t put your pride, joy, and hope in the cities of this world or in the things that you build. Put your hope in God through Christ.
(1) We Are Worshippers (Genesis 11:1-9)
(2) Misdirected Worship (Genesis 11:1-9 & 10:8-12)
(3) God’s Judgment (Genesis 11:5-7 & Psalm 2 & Isaiah 29:13-16)
(4) God’s Mercy (Genesis 11:10-32)
“God Judges in Water” Genesis 5:1-10:32
Theme: God is glorified in salvation through judgment.
Aim: Trust in Jesus Christ. By faith in the death and resurrection of Christ we can be found in the only vessel that can ride safely out from the wrath of God.
(1) The Lineage of Promise (Genesis 5:1-32)
(2) God Is Good and Just in Judgment (Genesis 6:1-7:24)
(3) God Is Gracious and Merciful in Judgment (Genesis 6:8-10, 18-22; 7:1-5, 12-16, 18; 8:1-22)
(4) God Keeps His Promise (9:1-10:28)
“Jesus Has Authority” Mark 5:1-43
Theme: Jesus has authority over men, spirits, illness, life and death.
Aim: Lay down your life to worship Christ by killing the idols to which our heart too often clings.
Jesus has…
(1) Authority over those living among the dead (Mark 5:1-13)
(2) Authority that stirs up the community (Mark 5:14-20)
a. Beggar 1 – “Jesus, please leave.”
b. Beggar 2 – “Jesus, please let me be with you.”
(3) More authority than any physician (Mark 5:21-34)
a. Jairus’ request (vv. 21-23)
b. Woman with the discharge (vv. 24-34)
(4) Authority to raise the dead (Mark 5:35-43).
“The Gospel of Jesus Christ” Mark 1:1-15
Theme: Jesus, the Son of God, is God, and Jesus is the good news that John looked forward to.
Aim: Go to the Word of God to learn who who Jesus Christ really is, then repent and believe in Him!
(1) Jesus Is the Good News (Mark 1:1)
a. The beginning of the gospel
b. Point of origin
(2) Jesus Is the Son of God (Mark 1:1b)
(3) Jesus’ Forerunner Foretold (Mark 1:2-8)
a. John the Baptist
b. Substance of John’s Teaching
(4) The Trinity and the Gospel (Mark 1:9-15)
“God Redeems His People” Ruth 4:1-22
Theme: God redeems His people.
Aim: Put your hope in God’s redemption through Ruth’s great-great grandson; King David’s greater Son, Jesus Christ.
(1) A Proper Redeemer (Ruth 4:1-6)
(2) God’s Promise (Ruth 4:7-12)
(3) A Marriage (Ruth 4:13-17)
(4) Genealogy of Another Redeemer (Ruth 4:18-22)
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