Brought for by the Word of Truth
“Bring One Another Back” James 5:19-20
An Expositional Sermon James 5:19-20 “Bring One Another Back” Big Idea: Give your life to bringing sinners back from wandering from the truth of the gospel. Sermon Outline The Christian life is… (1) A Life Where We are Prone to Wander (James 5:19) (2) A Life Where We are Prone to Wander into Death (James 5:19-20) (3) A Life of Being Brought Back and Bringing Others Back (James 5:20)
“Confess Your Sins to One Another” James 5:13-18
An Expositional Sermon James 5:13-18 “Confess Your Sins to One Another” Big Idea: God has given us to each other in the church to be His instruments to grow us in dependence upon Him. Application: Pursue to grow in childlike dependence upon Christ, a genuine love for one another, and in a zealous imitation of Christ and His faithful people. Sermon Outline (1) A Life of Prayer (James 5:13-15) (2) A Life of Relationships (James 5:16) (3) A Life of Imitation (James 5:17-18)
“Patient Waiting” James 5:7-12
An Expositional Sermon James 5:7-12 “Patient Waiting” Big Idea: Wait for the coming of the Lord with patience. Outline: (1) Establish/Strengthen Your Hearts for the Coming of the Lord (James 5:7-8) 3 Ways James teaches that we should do this… (2) First, Don’t grumble against one another (James 5:9) (3) Second, Follow the example of the prophets and Job (James 5:10-11) (3) Third, Keep your promises (James 5:12) Ask God to preserve us in pursuing this kind of patience while we wait…
“Corroded Riches Will Eat Your Flesh Like Fire” James 5:1-6
An Expositional Sermon James 5:1-6 “Corroded Riches Will Eat Your Flesh Like Fire” Big Idea: Do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8). Outline: (1) Invitation: For the Rich to Weep (James 5:1-3) (2) Warning: Of the Coming Judgment Upon the Rich (James 5:3-4) (3) Encouragement: Repentance for the Rich and Hope for the Righteous (James 5:4-6) Pray that God would expose the riches we are tempted to pursue and trust in, and that…
“God Rules the Clock, Not Us” James 4:13-17
An Expositional Sermon James 4:13-17 “God Rules the Clock, Not Us” Big Idea: Boast in God’s rule over all things and not in anything else. Outline: (1) An Invitation to See Who We Are (Jas 4:13-14, 16) (2) Turn Away From Atheism (Jas 4:14-15) (3) Give Your Entire Life to God Through Jesus Christ (Jas 4:17) It’s my prayer that as we consider this text God would grow us in humility, and that as we grow in our trust in God’s…
“Do Not Speak Evil Against One Another” James 4:11-12
An Expositional Sermon James 4:11-12 “Do Not Speak Evil Against One Another” Big Idea: When we speak evil of one another we are putting ourselves in the place of God Outline: (1) What: Do Not Speak Evil Against One Another (Jas 4:11a) (2) Why: Speaking Evil Against a Neighbor Is Judging the Law (Jas 4:11b) (3) Why Judging the Law Is Bad (Jas 4:11c-12) It’s my prayer that as we consider this text God would help us to kill our sinful self-deception that…
“The Cause & Cure to Fights” James 4:1-10
An Expositional Sermon James 4:1-10 “The Cause & Cure to Fights” Big Idea: God’s grace is more powerful than our sin, turn to God through faith in Christ. Outline: (1) Cause 1 – Sinful Pleasure/Passions (Jas 4:1-3) (2) Cause 2 – Friendship With the World (Jas 4:4-5) (3) The Cure – God’s Grace (Jas 4:6) (4) Embrace the One Cure’s 11-Fold Fruit (Jas 4:7-10) 1. Submission to God 2. Resisting the Devil 3. Drawing Near to God 4. Cleansing Our Hands 5.…
“Fake Wisdom vs. Real Wisdom” James 3:13-18
An Expositional Sermon James 3:13-18 “Fake Wisdom vs. Real Wisdom” Outline: (1) Show Your Faith by Your Works (James 3:13) (2) Fake Wisdom & Its Fruit (James 3:14-16) (3) Real Wisdom & Its Fruit (James 3:17) (4) We Will Reap a Harvest of Eternal Life if We do not Give Up (James 3:18; cf. Gal. 6:9)
“Taming the Tongue” James 3:1-12
An Expositional Sermon James 3:1-12 “Taming the Tongue” Theme/Big Idea: The tongue is powerful, use it for good to the glory of God. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Let your trust in the Word, Jesus Christ, first silence your sin in selfish pride and vain boasting, but then second let it fuel a life of words used to make Christ known and to build one another up in Him. Outline: (1) A Warning for Teachers (James 3:1) (2) Where Are You Going? Your Small Tongue Directs Your…
“Faith Without Works Is Dead, Part 2” James 2:20-26
An Expositional Sermon James 2:20-26 “Faith Without Works Is Dead, Part 2” Theme/Big Idea: Real faith bears works consistent with belief in God’s ability to raise the dead, and of a love that looks like taking risks for the good of God’s people. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Pray that God would grow us up in Christ bearing the kind of fruit that increasingly reflects the perfections of Christ. Outline: (1) Empty Useless Faith (James 2:20) (2) Real Faith Bears the Kind of Fruit that Only Makes Sense…
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