Sermons on Promise
“Jesus Christ, the Fulfillment of All of God’s Promises” 2 Corinthians 1:20
An Expositional Sermon 2 Corinthians 1:20 “Jesus Christ, the Fulfillment of All of God’s Promises” Theme/Big Idea: All of the promises of God find their “yes” in Jesus Christ. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Repent of your sin and be found as an inheritor of God’s promises through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
“Responding to Tyranny” Daniel 8:1-27
Theme: God rules history, His people will suffer beyond returning from captivity.
Aim: Live soberly with the knowledge that this world is fallen. Pray that God will strengthen our hope with the knowledge that He rules history, and even if we are appalled by what we see, and horrified by what his people face, pray that He would set our hope on Him and His promise to finally give His kingdom to His people.
(1) God Rules History (Daniel 8:1-4, 20)
(2) God’s People Will Suffer (Daniel 8:5-14, 19, 21-26)
(3) How We Respond to Tyranny (Daniel 8:15-18, 27)
“Forced Away from Home” Daniel 1:1-7
Theme: God keeps His Word and preserves His people in exile.
Aim: Thou we mourn in lonely exile often in this world; Rejoice! Emmanuel has come and will come again to finally and fully ransom His people from the fall and from sin.
(1) God Is In Control (Daniel 1:1-2)
(2) How the World Works (Daniel 1:3-5)
(3) What Is Your Identity? (Daniel 1:6-7)
“Creation & Promise” Genesis 1:1-50:26 (Overview)
Theme: God created all things, man fell in sin, God made a promise of a savior, and God keeps His promises. Aim: That as we see how this book is pointing at Jesus Christ our hearts would grow to love Christ more, and that we would grow in our understanding of why things are the way they are in this world.
(1) Creation (Genesis 1-2)
(2) Fall (Genesis 2-3)
(3) Redemption (Genesis 3:14-15)
(4) God’s Promise to Abram, Isaac & Jacob (Genesis 12-36)
(5) Israel to Egypt (Genesis 37-50)
“The Beginning of Israel” Genesis 32:1-36:43
Theme: God fulfills his promise to graciously create and preserve His people contrary to what they deserve.
Aim: Be reconciled to God through the Messiah-offspring of Israel, Jesus Christ.
(1) Can men strive with God? (Genesis 32:1-32)
(2) Is reconciliation possible? (Genesis 33:1-20)
(3) Is there any justice? (Genesis 34:1-31)
(4) The beginning of Israel (Genesis 35:1-36:43)
“Dung-Spilling Deliverance of the King” Judges 3:12-30
An Expositional Sermon (1.1) We need to be delivered from… (Judges 3:12-14) a. Our sin b. Our enemy c. God (1.2) Why “we” not “Israel“? (Ephesians 2:1-3) (2) The LORD delivers those who call on Him (Judges 3:15a) (3) The LORD delivers His people by providing a Deliverer (Judges 3:15b-25) (4) The LORD’s people are empowered to live a new way when they hear the good news of the LORD’s favor (Judges 3:26-30a) (5) We need the dominion of an eternal deliverer (Judges 3:30 & 4:1) Eric…
“God Redeems His People” Ruth 4:1-22
Theme: God redeems His people.
Aim: Put your hope in God’s redemption through Ruth’s great-great grandson; King David’s greater Son, Jesus Christ.
(1) A Proper Redeemer (Ruth 4:1-6)
(2) God’s Promise (Ruth 4:7-12)
(3) A Marriage (Ruth 4:13-17)
(4) Genealogy of Another Redeemer (Ruth 4:18-22)