Sermons on Kingdom
“Responding to Tyranny” Daniel 8:1-27
Theme: God rules history, His people will suffer beyond returning from captivity.
Aim: Live soberly with the knowledge that this world is fallen. Pray that God will strengthen our hope with the knowledge that He rules history, and even if we are appalled by what we see, and horrified by what his people face, pray that He would set our hope on Him and His promise to finally give His kingdom to His people.
(1) God Rules History (Daniel 8:1-4, 20)
(2) God’s People Will Suffer (Daniel 8:5-14, 19, 21-26)
(3) How We Respond to Tyranny (Daniel 8:15-18, 27)
“Judgment of the Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:15-28
Theme: God will give His people His kingdom forever.
Aim: Don’t despair in the face of suffering, persevere in waiting for Christ knowing that God keeps us firm in His grip and will finally and fully give us His kingdom.
(1) God’s People React to God’s Word (Daniel 7:15-16)
(2) God’s People Receive God’s Kingdom Forever (Daniel 7:17-18)
(3) God’s People Are At War (Daniel 7:19-25)
(4) God Gives His People All Dominion (Daniel 7:26-28)
“God Most High – Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:1-12
Theme: God is sovereign over all and will judge the nations.
Aim: Be comforted and consoled as God’s people as we walk in exile in this world. The world will persecute you, and seek to destroy you, the world will lash out at God by coming against His people. If you trust in Christ that doesn’t mean you will live “your best life now.” Life here may not get easier if you trust in Christ, but your hope for God’s eternal kingdom will squelch out the empty promises of this fallen world. We will suffer, life will not be easy for God’s people in this world, but God’s perfect justice and judgment is coming. And He will usher His people into His eternal kingdom.
(1) God Reveals (Daniel 7:1-3)
(2) God Has Enemies (Daniel 7:4-8)
(3) God Judges & Destroys His Enemies (Daniel 7:9-12)
“How Pride Works” Daniel 4:1-37
Theme: God rules and we don’t.
Aim: Take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.
(1) Good News (Daniel 4:1-3)
(2) Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Daniel 4:4-18)
(3) Bad News (Daniel 4:19-27)
(4) God’s Word Fullfilled (Daniel 4:28-33)
(5) The Fruit of God’s Word (Daniel 4:34-37)
“War of Kings” Daniel 2:1-49
Theme: Our fears are removed as we trust in Jesus Christ, the King of kings.
Aim: Reject the kings of this world, and to have Christ as your king.
(1) Worldly Kingdoms Cower in Fear (Daniel 2:1-13)
(2) God Alone Reveals Truth (Daniel 2:14-23)
(3) King Jesus Crushes our Fears (Daniel 2:24-49)
“Forced Away from Home” Daniel 1:1-7
Theme: God keeps His Word and preserves His people in exile.
Aim: Thou we mourn in lonely exile often in this world; Rejoice! Emmanuel has come and will come again to finally and fully ransom His people from the fall and from sin.
(1) God Is In Control (Daniel 1:1-2)
(2) How the World Works (Daniel 1:3-5)
(3) What Is Your Identity? (Daniel 1:6-7)
“The Coronation of the King of the Jews” Mark 15:1-20
Theme: Jesus is God’s forever King, and His coronation was through suffering and rejection.
Aim: Love Christ with you’re all, because of how He first loved you in bearing all of this for us.
(1) A King (Mark 15:1-5)
(2) A Criminal’s Condemnation (Mark 15:6-14)
(3) A Criminal’s Scourging (Mark 15:15)
(4) A King’s Coronation (Mark 15:16-20)
“Jesus Rides on in Majesty” Mark 11:1-25
Theme: Jesus is a King who can’t be deceived, who rejects dead religion, and who enables prayer.
Aim: Pray that God would give us faith, that He would preserve us. Pray that God would give us the gift of daily repentance. Pray that God would set our affections and love upon Jesus. Pray that God would save our family and friends from a false sense of security in religion.
(1) Jesus Rides in as King (Mark 11:1-11)
(2) We Can’t Deceive Jesus (Mark 11:12-14)
(3) Clearing Out Dead Religion (Mark 11:15-19),
(4) Faith Expressed in Prayer (Mark 11:20-25)
“The Essence of the Kingdom” Mark 4:1-41
Theme: God’s kingdom will be revealed, grows through God’s Word, is not to be underestimated, and has a King Jesus Christ.
Aim: To grow in our understanding about God’s kingdom and pray that He will use His Word to establish His kingdom in and through us.
(1) Parables & Sharing the Gospel (Mark 4:1-13; 21-22)
a. Parables
b. Sharing the Gospel – Evangelism
(2) Response to the Gospel (Mark 4:14-20; 23-25)
a. The Response of the People – 4 Soils
b. Two ways to live
(3) The Power of the Gospel (Mark 4:26-29)
(4) Don’t Underestimate God’s Kingdom (Mark 4:30-34)
(5) Jesus, The King of God’s Kingdom (Mark 4:35-41)
“The Unity of the Kingdom” Mark 3:7-35
Theme: The only source of true Christian unity is found in Jesus Christ alone.
Aim: That God would help us to grow in our unity as disciples and as a family through Jesus Christ.
(1) The Importance of Hearing (Mark 3:7-12)
(2) The Purpose of Discipleship (Mark 3:13-21)
(3) The United Kingdom (Mark 3:22-30)
(4) The Family of Christ (Mark 3:31-35)
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