Sermons on Substitute
“Jesus Christ, Fully God” Matthew 1:21-23; 2:11; 14:33; 28:9, 17; John 9:38
A Topical Sermon This time of year is often called “Advent” which means the time that we wait for the coming of Jesus in His birth. But there’s more to it than that. Even now we wait. Jesus, fully God and fully man, is going to come back one day. This Christmas remember how Jesus came as a baby to save His people from their sin, but also remember how He would save. He grew to be the Man of…
What Is the Gospel? Romans 1:1-3:31
Theme: The gospel is the good news of how we can be saved from God’s wrath for our sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Aim: Repent and believe in the gospel.
(1) God – The gospel is God’s righteousness revealed (Romans 1:1-17)
a. There is a God
b. The gospel is God’s message
i. The gospel is the message that was foretold (Romans 1:1-3; 3:21)
ii. The gospel is a message about God’s Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 1:9)
iii. The gospel is a message (Romans 1:1, 5-6, 9, 11-15)
iv. The gospel has power toward all who believe (Romans 1:16)
v. The gospel reveals God’s righteousness (Romans 1:17)
(2) Man – The gospel demands an understanding of God’s wrath for man’s unrighteousness (1:18-3:20)
a. God is wrathful for unrighteousness (Romans 1:18-32)
b. God judges the secrets of men by Jesus Christ (Romans 2:1-29)
c. No human being will be justified in God’s sight by works of the law (Romans 3:1-20)
(3) Christ – The gospel is God’s saving righteousness for His people in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:21-3:31)
a. Righteousness apart from the law
b. What are you trusting in for salvation?
(4) Response – The gospel demands that all mankind repent and believe in Jesus Christ (1:5, 17, 25, 28; 2:1-5, 4, 7, 8; etc.)
“Hell” Mark 15:21-47
Theme: Jesus bore God’s eternal wrath for His people in His crucifixion and death.
Aim: Flee God’s eternal wrath by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
Jesus was…
(1) Crucified by Men (Mark 15:21-32)
(2) Forsaken by the Father & Died (Mark 15:33-41)
(3) Buried (Mark 15:42-47)
“The Coronation of the King of the Jews” Mark 15:1-20
Theme: Jesus is God’s forever King, and His coronation was through suffering and rejection.
Aim: Love Christ with you’re all, because of how He first loved you in bearing all of this for us.
(1) A King (Mark 15:1-5)
(2) A Criminal’s Condemnation (Mark 15:6-14)
(3) A Criminal’s Scourging (Mark 15:15)
(4) A King’s Coronation (Mark 15:16-20)
“What Does It Take to Reject God?” Mark 6:1-29
Theme: Rejecting God consists in offense and unbelief toward God, a lack of love for God’s people, not listening to the Bible, refusing to repent, and pursuing unsatisfying pleasures.
Aim: See your unbelief, ask God to strengthen your faith, and trust in His ability to powerfully save you from the posture of underestimating that Jesus is mighty and true.
Here’s how we reject God…
(1) Be Offended & Don’t Believe in Jesus (Mark 6:1-6)
(2) 3 “Do Nots” (Mark 6:7-13)
a. Don’t Love God’s People (vv. 7-11, especially 11)
b. Don’t Listen to the Apostles/Bible (vv. 7-11, especially 11)
c. Don’t Turn from Your Sin (v. 12)
(3) Ignore Who the Bible Says Jesus Is (Mark 6:14-16)
(4) Pursue Weak Fleeting Pleasures (Mark 6:17-29)