Sermons on War

Sermons on War

“God Is a Just Warrior” Lamentations 1:1-5:22 (Overview)

An Expositional Sermon Lamentations 1:1-5:22 “God Is a Just Warrior” Theme/Big Idea: God warns disciplines His people and warns of His coming just judgment for sin. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Don’t fail to listen to the warning of what is coming for those who reject God. Outline: Six things we learn about God in Lamentations… 1. God Is a Just Judge 2. God Is Angry 3. God Is Wrathful 4. God Wars Against Sin 5. God’s Word is Pivotal 6. God is the Only Source of Comfort…

“Judgment of the Ancient of Days” Daniel 7:15-28

Theme: God will give His people His kingdom forever. Aim: Don’t despair in the face of suffering, persevere in waiting for Christ knowing that God keeps us firm in His grip and will finally and fully give us His kingdom. (1) God’s People React to God’s Word (Daniel 7:15-16) (2) God’s People Receive God’s Kingdom Forever (Daniel 7:17-18) (3) God’s People Are At War (Daniel 7:19-25) (4) God Gives His People All Dominion (Daniel 7:26-28)