“Elements, Forms & Circumstances of Corporate Worship”

“Elements, Forms & Circumstances of Corporate Worship”

A Topical Sermon
“Elements, Forms & Circumstances of Corporate Worship”

Big Idea: God commends churches who pursue orderliness according to His Word rooted in Jesus’ Christ’s work in the gospel.
Application: We seek to bind consciences regarding our church gatherings with what we see commanded, exemplified or theologically compelled in the Bible alone.

(1) Elements, Forms & Circumstances and the Lord’s Day
(2) The Element, Forms & Circumstances of Preaching
(3) Other Elements of Corporate Worship
a. Call to Worship
b. Corporate Readings and Confessions
c. Singing
d. Reading and Preaching the Word
e. Prayers of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication
f. Offering
g. Silence
h. Benediction