"wrath" Tagged Sermons

"wrath" Tagged Sermons

“Crucifixion” Matthew 27:32-50

An Expositional SermonMatthew 27:32-50“Crucifixion” Big Idea: Jesus was crucified for His people’s forgiveness.Application: Repent and believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. (1) Jesus Was Forsaken by Men for His People(2) Jesus Was Forsaken by God for His Peoplea. Darknessb. Forsakenc. Passive & Active Obedienced. What the Cross Accomplished

“The End of Nominal Christianity” Matthew 7:21-23

An Expositional Sermon Matthew 7:21-23 “The End of Nominal Christianity” Big Idea: Jesus’ people do the will of His father in heaven, and we are not saved by a profession of faith. Sermon Outline (1) Not All Who Profess Faith in Jesus Will Be Saved (2) Not All Who Do Things in Jesus’ Name Will Be Saved (3) The One Who Does the Will of the Father Is Who Will Enter God’s Kingdom

“God Is a Just Warrior” Lamentations 1:1-5:22 (Overview)

An Expositional Sermon Lamentations 1:1-5:22 “God Is a Just Warrior” Theme/Big Idea: God warns disciplines His people and warns of His coming just judgment for sin. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Don’t fail to listen to the warning of what is coming for those who reject God. Outline: Six things we learn about God in Lamentations… 1. God Is a Just Judge 2. God Is Angry 3. God Is Wrathful 4. God Wars Against Sin 5. God’s Word is Pivotal 6. God is the Only Source of Comfort…

“Insubordinate Worship” Numbers 16:1-50

An Expositional Sermon Numbers 16:1-50 “Insubordinate Worship” Theme/Big Idea: Those who destroy God’s mediator and order of their worship will in turn be destroyed by God. Aim/Appropriation/Application: Jesus Christ is a greater mediator than Aaron or Moses to save a proud and rebellious people. There is no other acceptable worship of God than through repentance and faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone. Turn to Him, and trust Him, and obey His Word in how we might worship Him…

“Discipleship – God Disciples Us” Mark 3:13-14

A Topical Sermon “Discipleship – God Disciples Us” Outline: (1) How Did We Get to Where We Are? 1. God made us to know and be with Him, but we fell in sin and deserve His wrath 2. God calls and atonement must be made; God’s wrath must be propitiated 3. God became incarnate so that in Jesus Christ atonement and propitiation would be made for His people (2) Specific Ways God Disciples Us 1. God disciples us by providing a substitutionary…

“Confession of Sin” Daniel 9:1-19

Big Idea: God’s people go to His word and respond in confession and pleading. Application: Pray that God would give us the gifts of repentance and faith. Ask God to forgive you and others for sin. Come to God not based upon our insufficient righteousness, but based upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone. (1) God’s People Go to God’s Word (Daniel 9:1-2) (2) God’s People Respond to God’s Word – Confession (Daniel 9:3-14) A. Our confession of sin is a response to the difference between who God is and who we are. We see this 4 times in vv. 4-14. B. God’s appointed leaders will be held to account (v. 6 and 8) C. God’s People Pray Prayers of Confession (3) God’s People Respond to God’s Word – Intercession (Daniel 9:15-19)

“What Is Man?” Daniel 6:1-28

Theme: Man is a reflection, under authority, powerless, and made to worship God. Aim: Trust in the only God who is able to save us from the trials in this world and His eternal wrath that we deserve for our sin. What is man? (1) Man Is A Reflection (Daniel 6:1-9) (2) Man Is Under Authority (Daniel 6:10-15) (3) Man Is Powerless (Daniel 6:16-23) (4) Man Is Made to Worship God (Daniel 6:24-28)

“Jesus Christ, Fully God” Matthew 1:21-23; 2:11; 14:33; 28:9, 17; John 9:38

A Topical Sermon This time of year is often called “Advent” which means the time that we wait for the coming of Jesus in His birth. But there’s more to it than that. Even now we wait. Jesus, fully God and fully man, is going to come back one day. This Christmas remember how Jesus came as a baby to save His people from their sin, but also remember how He would save. He grew to be the Man of…