"Davidic King" Tagged Sermons

"Davidic King" Tagged Sermons

“Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry” Matthew 21:1-22

An Expositional SermonMatthew 21:1-22“Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry” Big Idea: Jesus Christ is King riding into Jerusalem to die for the ransom of many.Application: Beware of spiritual hypocrisy, beware of spiritual blindness and self-deception, respond to Jesus’ authority by obeying and worshiping Him, for Jesus Christ alone has authority (1) Jesus Christ Has Authority (Matthew 21:1-5)(2) Respond to Jesus’ Authority by Obeying and Worshipping Him (Matthew 21:6-11)(3) Beware of Spiritual Blindness Self-Deception (Matthew 21:8-16)(4) Beware of Spiritual Hypocrisy (Matthew 21:17-22)

“Lord, Make Us Last” Matthew 20:1-34

An Expositional SermonMatthew 20:1-34“Lord, Make Us Last” Big Idea: Jesus Christ became first by becoming last so that in Him sinners like us could be counted first by His grace alone.Application: Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus Christ. The principle that the “last of this world will be first in the Christ’s kingdom” and that the “first in this world will be last in Christ’s kingdom”…(1) Teaches A Vision for Kingdom Citizenship (Matthew 20:1-16)(2) Points us to Jesus…