Sermons on New Testament (Page 16)

Sermons on New Testament (Page 16)

“Build Your Life on the Words of Christ” Matthew 7:24-27

An Expositional Sermon Matthew 7:24-27 “Build Your Life on the Words of Christ” Big Idea: Jesus is the one truth in existence that our lives must be built upon if we would not bear God’s eternal wrath in hell Sermon Outline (1) Build Your Life on the Words of Christ (2) Jesus Is the Wisdom of God, Pursue Him (3) Listen to Christ, Hear Christ (4) Do What Jesus’ Word Says to Do

“The End of Nominal Christianity” Matthew 7:21-23

An Expositional Sermon Matthew 7:21-23 “The End of Nominal Christianity” Big Idea: Jesus’ people do the will of His father in heaven, and we are not saved by a profession of faith. Sermon Outline (1) Not All Who Profess Faith in Jesus Will Be Saved (2) Not All Who Do Things in Jesus’ Name Will Be Saved (3) The One Who Does the Will of the Father Is Who Will Enter God’s Kingdom

“Beware of False Teachers” Matthew 7:15-20

An Expositional Sermon Matthew 7:15-20 “Beware of False Teachers” Big Idea: Truth is not always obvious to us. Outward appearances easily deceive and we can be easily duped. This is one of the most difficult aspects of living life in a world corrupted by sin, you can’t believe everything you see and hear. There are those who masquerade as teachers of God’s Word who are wolves that look like sheep. Be on guard. Sermon Outline (1) We Are Responsible for What We…

“Count the Cost of Following Christ” Matthew 7:12-14

An Expositional Sermon Matthew 7:12-14 “Count the Cost of Following Christ” Big Idea: All roads bring us to the end of our journey in this life, but in reality there are only two paths. One that leads to life and one that leads to destruction. Jesus came to blaze the only way, road, or path that can lead us back to the favor of God that we lost in our sin. God is a God who loves to save. Trust in…