“Jesus’ Authority Was Rejected” Mark 11:27-12:12

“Jesus’ Authority Was Rejected” Mark 11:27-12:12

An Expositional Sermon
Come to Christ with all your pain, with your sin, with your struggles. God is a gracious and merciful God. Humble your heart before King Jesus. And pray that in your sin that you wouldn’t be like the stewards who refuse the Son. Do you reject Jesus’ authority? Would you kill Jesus? And, who are you afraid of? In our sin we would reject Christ, it was because of our sin that Jesus went to the cross, and we are too often afraid of the wrong thing. But through the gospel Christ has purchased us. He bore our sin and God’s wrath that we deserve for it. Only turn from your sin and trust in Christ. “Come ye sinners, poor and needy, weak and wounded, sick and sore. Jesus ready, stands to save you, full of pity love and power.” Give your life to King Jesus.