Sermons on Fellowship

Sermons on Fellowship

“Discipleship – God Disciples Us” Mark 3:13-14

A Topical Sermon “Discipleship – God Disciples Us” Outline: (1) How Did We Get to Where We Are? 1. God made us to know and be with Him, but we fell in sin and deserve His wrath 2. God calls and atonement must be made; God’s wrath must be propitiated 3. God became incarnate so that in Jesus Christ atonement and propitiation would be made for His people (2) Specific Ways God Disciples Us 1. God disciples us by providing a substitutionary…

“Church Discipline” 1 Corinthians 5:1-12

Theme: God disciplines us to help us grow. Aim: We must be courageous, careful, discerning, gracious, gentle, and loving as we are faithful to Scripture to practice church discipline. (1) What Is Discipline? 3 Contexts a. God disciplines us b. We discipline ourselves c. We are disciplined by others (2) Is It Wrong to Judge? (3) Discipline in a Local Church? – 2 Forms a. Formative Discipline b. Corrective Discipline (4) Discipline Out of Love

“Baptism” Romans 6:1-14

Theme: Baptism is the immersing of believers in Jesus Christ united them to the church and is a picture of conversion from sin to Jesus Christ. Aim: Let us be found faithful as we practice baptism corresponding to faith in Christ, an appeal for a good conscience washed clean through the blood of Christ. (1) A Picture of Conversion (Romans 5-6) (2) Immersion In Water (Matthew 13:13-17; Romans 6:3-11) (3) For Repenting Believers In Jesus Christ (Matthew 3:6, 11; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3; Acts 8:12-13; 18:8; ) (4) Union to Church (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:41-42; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13) a. What about infant baptism? (5) Baptism Doesn’t Save You (1 Peter 3:21)

“Gospel Partnership, Prayer, & Progress” Philippians 1:1-26

Theme: The gospel creates membership, fuels our prayers, and defines our progress. Aim: Let’s ask God to strengthen us to have the gospel drive every aspect of our lives. 1. Partnership: The Gospel creates and sustains the Church (Philippians 1:1-8) 2. Prayer: The Gospel fuels Prayer (Philippians 1:3-11, particularly v. 4, 9) 3. Progress: The Gospel empowers our growth (Philippians 1:12-26)