“King of Rest” Mark 2:18-3:6

“King of Rest” Mark 2:18-3:6

An Expositional Sermon
What makes you restless? Is there anything in your life, a circumstance, a relationship, a fear, or maybe a struggle with sin that keeps you up at night, or that troubles you and steals your rest. Sickness, trials, threats of war and violence, the ebola pandemic, enterovirus, the threat of natural disaster. We face sorrow and trials in our lives, but if we have Christ we have a rest that nothing can touch. Friend, if you aren’t a Christian, are you weary with the troubles of this life? Come to Christ for rest for your soul. If you will trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection for your sin, your day of rest is today, and will be fully realized when you go to be with Christ or when He comes back for His people. Friends, let’s labor for the rest that God will one day give to His people. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following Israel’s example of disobedience. (Heb. 4:11) No amount of effort or work can make us right before the eyes of God, rest in the work of Jesus Christ, the only one who could take our sin so that we might find eternal as sons of the living God. Tim Keller wrote on this passage, “On the cross Jesus experienced the restlessness of separation from God so that we can have the deep rest of knowing that he loves us and our sins have been forgiven.” (“Jesus The King”, p. 43)