Sermons from 2019

Sermons from 2019

“Resurrection” Matthew 28:1-15

An Expositional SermonMatthew 28:1-15“Resurrection” Big Idea: Jesus rose again from the dead.Application: Trust that Jesus’ resurrection happened and secured the justification His people. (1) A Trustworthy Account of the Third Day, The First Day of the Week(2) Jesus Rose from the Dead(3) More than Just Disciples Witnessed the Resurrection(4) Jesus Resurrection Frees us to Love God, Fight Sin and Love Our Neighbor

“Crucifixion” Matthew 27:32-50

An Expositional SermonMatthew 27:32-50“Crucifixion” Big Idea: Jesus was crucified for His people’s forgiveness.Application: Repent and believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. (1) Jesus Was Forsaken by Men for His People(2) Jesus Was Forsaken by God for His Peoplea. Darknessb. Forsakenc. Passive & Active Obedienced. What the Cross Accomplished

“King of the Jews” Matthew 27:27-31

An Expositional SermonMatthew 27:27-31“King of the Jews” Big Idea: God is glorified in Jesus Christ’s suffering for the forgiveness of sins for His people.Application: Repent and believe in Jesus Christ to find forgiveness for your sin. (1) Jesus Christ Was Coronated as King Through Suffering(2) Are We Any Better? a. Pilate’s Self-Deceived Innocence b. Pilate’s Soldiers Make Jesus Into a Joke(3) Jesus Suffered for the Forgiveness of Our Sins