"Crucifixion" Tagged Sermons

"Crucifixion" Tagged Sermons

“Crucifixion” Matthew 27:32-50

An Expositional SermonMatthew 27:32-50“Crucifixion” Big Idea: Jesus was crucified for His people’s forgiveness.Application: Repent and believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. (1) Jesus Was Forsaken by Men for His People(2) Jesus Was Forsaken by God for His Peoplea. Darknessb. Forsakenc. Passive & Active Obedienced. What the Cross Accomplished

“Son of Man – Jesus Christ Our Lord” Daniel 7:13-14

Theme: Jesus Christ is the Son of Man in Daniel 7 and He is our only hope. Aim: Be reconciled to God, repent and believe in the Son of Man, Jesus Christ. (1) The Clouds of Heaven (Daniel 7:13-14) (2) One Like a Son of Man (Daniel 7:13-14) (3) Presented to God (Daniel 7:13-14) (4) Jesus Christ (Matthew 13:41-43; 16:13-20, 27-28; Acts 1:6-11; 7:55-56; Hebrews 10:14)

“Hell” Mark 15:21-47

Theme: Jesus bore God’s eternal wrath for His people in His crucifixion and death. Aim: Flee God’s eternal wrath by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Jesus was… (1) Crucified by Men (Mark 15:21-32) (2) Forsaken by the Father & Died (Mark 15:33-41) (3) Buried (Mark 15:42-47)