Ananias and Sapphira both lied to God about the price he got for selling land. And they died because of their deception. The Apostles did signs and wonders, and they were all gathered in Solomon’s Portico and multitudes were converted. The high priest with the Sadducees arrested the Apostles. An angel of the Lord set them free and they went straight to preach at the temple again. They were arrested again and were urged not to teach in Jesus’ name. Peter refused and told them why they couldn’t keep quiet, because of the gospel, and they obey God rather than men. They wanted to kill the Apostles, but Gamaliel urged to wait and see. So they beat them and charged them not to speak in Jesus’ name, and let them go. They rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer, and they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ [Messiah] is Jesus.
God is serious about our honesty. Don’t lie to the Lord, He knows all, and in Christ He is for you, so don’t hold back. Also, take joy in the tenacity and persistent faithfulness of the Apostles. The preaching of the gospel is unstoppable. May God strengthen us to pick up the baton and continue the race.