Job 30 – Job’s Final Defense Part 2: “Now They Laugh At Me”
Job just finished giving a defense for how he used authority as a chief-leader in righteousness to the benefit of the people under his care. His position of influence is now gone. First, in verses 1-15 Job talks about how senseless men who weren’t even worthy for hire have afflicted him. These men have made songs to mock Job (v. 9). They spit at the sight of Job (v. 10). Job’s relational suffering extended well beyond Elliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. Job exclaims,…
Job 29 – Job’s Final Defense Part 1: “A Greater King in Jesus Christ”
After responding to Bildad’s third statement, Job speaks again to summarize his defense. First, he longs for the days that are gone (vv. 1-6). Second, he describes how he pursued godly authority (vv. 7-20). Third, he remembers how the people responded to his good use of authority (vv. 21-25). First, he begins with a longing for the days when God watched over him (v. 2), when God’s lamp shone upon Job’s head, and Job walked by God’s light through darkness…
Job 28 – Job Continues His Reply to Bildad’s 3rd Statement: “Where Is Wisdom?”
Job said, “Surely there is a mine for silver, and a place for God that they refine. Iron is taken out of the earth, and copper is smelted from the ore. Man puts an end to darkness and searches out to the farthest limit the ore in gloom and deep darkness. Man opens shafts in a valley away from where anyone lives; they are forgotten by travelers; they hang in the air, far away from mankind; they sing to and…
Job 27 – Job Continues His Reply to Bildad’s 3rd Statement: “I Will Maintain My Integrity”
Job took up his discourse again saying that the living God has taken away his right, and made his soul bitter. As long as he has breath and the spirit of God is in his nostrils, his lips will not speak falsehood or deceit. Far be it from Job to say Bildad is right; till Job dies he will not put away his integrity. Job says, “I hold fast my righteousness and will not let it go; my heart does…
Job 26 – Job Answers Bildad’s 3rd Statement: “God’s Majesty Is Unsearcheable”
Job rebukes Bildad. His point is that Bildad hasn’t helped the powerless, saved the weak, counseled the fool, nor declared sound knowledge. In verse 4 Job exposes Bildad’s weakness: “self-contradiction”. If the doctrine of God’s holiness and righteousness means that sinful people are unable to speak and live righteously, then who is it who has helped Bildad to utter his self-perceived righteous breath/words? The dead tremble under the waters. Sheol (the grave/afterlife) is naked before God, and Abbadon (place of…
Job 25 – (3) Bildad Answered: “Man Can’t be Righteous/Pure”
Bildad answered Job saying that dominion and fear are with God. God makes peace in His high heaven. Is there any number of His armies? Upon whom does His light not arise? How then can man be in the right before God? How can He who is born of woman be pure? Behold, even the moon is not bright, and the stars are not pure in His eyes; how much less man, who is a maggot, the son of man,…
Job 24 – Job’s Reply to Eliphaz’s 3rd Comment Part 2: “Where Is God’s Justice for Evil?”
Why aren’t times of judgment kept by the Almighty, why don’t those who know him never see his days? Some seize flocks, drive away the donkey of orphans, take from the widow, and they thrust the poor off the road. The poor hide themselves, act like wild donkeys going out to their toil, seeking game in the desert. They get food from the wasteland for their children. They glean in the vineyard of the wicked, lie naked all night, have…
Job 23 – Job’s Reply to Eliphaz’s 3rd Comment Part 1: “Where Is God?”
Job answered, his complaint is bitter, his hand heavy. Job longs to come before God and lay his case before him with arguments. He longs for God to answer and understand what he says. He trust that God would pay attention. He trusts that an upright man could argue with God and Job would be acquitted forever by God his judge. But Job goes forward and doesn’t believe he’s there. He goes backward and doesn’t perceive Him. God is working,…
Job 22 – (3) Eliphaz Speaks: “Job’s Wickedness Is Great”
Eliphaz said – “Can a man be profitable to God? Is it for your fear of him that he reproves you and enters into judgment with you? Isn’t your evil abundant? There is no end to your inquiries. You have exacted pledges for nothing and taken clothing. You haven’t given water to the weary, bread to the hungry, showed favoritism, sent widows away empty, crushed the orphan. This is why you are terrorized and in darkness. God is high in…
Job 21 – Job Answers Zophar: “The Wicked Do Prosper”
Job answered and said to Zophar to let Job’s words be Zophar’s comfort, but after he’s spoken “mock on” (v. 3). Job’s complaint isn’t against man. He asks Zophar to look at him and be appalled with hand over mouth. When he remembers his dismay his flesh shudders. Why do the wicked live to old age, grow mighty in power, see their offspring established, have houses safe from fear, without God’s rod upon them? Why do their bulls breed without…