They sailed to Cos, Rhodes, and Patara. Then crossed to Phoenicia, past Cyprus, to Syria landing at Tyre. There they stayed with the disciples. Through the Spirit they were telling Paul not to go to Jerusalem. They left and were greeted by the brothers at Ptolemais, then went to Philip the evangelist’s house in Caesarea. Philip’s 4 daughters prophesied. The prophet Agabus came from Judea, took Paul’s belt and bound his feet and hands, and said this is what the Jews will do to the man who owns this belt, and deliver him to the hands of the Gentiles. They urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem. But Paul was willing to be imprisoned and die for Jesus. Paul wasn’t persuaded and they stopped urging him not to go saying, “Let the will of the Lord be done.” They got ready and went to Jerusalem at the house of Mnason of Cyprus, an early disciple. The brothers in Jerusalem received them gladly. They told him that some accused Paul of saying the law had been done away with, but to show that he lived in observance of the law. For believing Gentiles they sent a letter that they should abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what had been strangled, and from sexual immorality. Paul did as they said. The Jews from Asia saw him in the temple and stirred up the crowds. They falsely accused him of bringing a Greek into the temple and for teaching against the law. They sought to kill him. The Roman tribune and soldiers came and they stopped beating Paul. They arrested Paul and carried him because of the violence of the crowd. He asked for permission to speak to the people. He waved his hand and silence came on the people and he addressed them in Hebrew.
Paul was repeatedly asked not to go back to Jerusalem, because the Holy Spirit had revealed that he would be arrested there. Paul was determined to go and die for Jesus. Would you be willing to sacrifice your live to tell people about Jesus Christ? If you knew that your death was certain would you still go preach and teach about Jesus Christ? Even after Paul is arrested He still asks to speak to the people. The speaking of God’s Word is primary in the desires of God’s people. We don’t feed upon bread alone, but upon every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Does your heart long for more of God’s Word. Pray and ask God to increase your desire to grow in the Bible, and to be able to speak of Jesus to others no matter the consequences.