The two angels entered Sodom in the evening. When Lot saw them he bowed his face to the ground and offered hospitality and lodging. They wanted to sleep in the square, but Lot urged them not to. Before bed, the young and old men of Sodom (the whole population) surrounded the house and asked for the men that they could have sex with them. Lot told them not to and offered his two virgin daughters. They told him to get out of the way saying they’ll do more harm to them because Lot is judging them, and he’s a foreigner. They put pressure on Lot and came to break down the door, but the angels reached out, and brought Lot in and shut the door. The angels struck the men with a blinding light, so they couldn’t find the entrance. The angels told Lot that they are about to destroy the city and to leave with his family. Lot told his sons-in-law to come out with him, but they thought he was joking. At daybreak the angels urged Lot to leave with his wife and two daughters, he hesitated, but because of the LORD’s compassion for him, the men grabbed his hand, his wife’s, and his two daughters’ and brought them out of the city. One angel said, “Run for your lives! Don’t look back and don’t stop anywhere on the plain! Run to the mountains, or you will be swept away!” He asked if he could run to a close town (Zoar) and they gave the okay. Out of the sky the LORD rained burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah from the LORD. Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. In the morning Abraham looked to Sodom and Gomorrah and saw smoke going up like a furnace. Lot left Zoar and lived in the mountains with his daughters in a cave. His daughters got him drunk and slept with him to have children “preserving Lot’s line”. Lot was so drunk he didn’t know this happened two nights in a row. Lot’s daughters became pregnant. The firstborn had a son named Moab – the father of the Moabites. The younger had a son named Ben-ammi – the father of the Ammonites.
God is a wrathful God. When we sin against God we deserve punishment. Further, even though Lot escaped, his wife died, and his daughters sinfully lay with their father. These two nations (Moab and the Ammonites) would become enemies of God’s covenant people. Though God’s enemies be constantly there, God’s grace will prevail.