Jesus answered a leper’s prayer to be made clean, and told him to obey the law of Moses. Jesus healed the servant of a faith-filled centurion. Jesus taught that Gentiles will recline at the table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but “sons of the kingdom” [unbelieving Jews] will be thrown out into the darkness. Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. Jesus cast out demons and healed the sick to fulfill the Bible. Jesus said, “Follow me, let the dead bury their own dead.” Jesus has authority over the storm and waves. Jesus heals the demon possessed.
Jesus has authority over spirits, authority to rule the wind and sea, to make the ceremonially unclean clean, to heal the sick, to save Gentiles by faith alone, to punish unbelievers – even unbelieving Jews, and to command people to follow Him. What’s your response to His authority?