'Matthew' Tagged Posts
Summaries & Thoughts on Matthew
Below are links to all the posts of chapter summaries and brief thoughts on each chapter of Matthew: (1) Matthew 1 – Jesus’ Genealogy (2) Matthew 2 – The King as a Refugee (3) Matthew 3 – John the Baptist, Jesus’ Baptism (4) Matthew 4 – The Temptation, Preached, Called (5) Matthew 5 – Sermon on the Mount, Part 1 (6) Matthew 6 – Sermon on the Mount, Part 2 (7) Matthew 7 – Sermon on the Mount, Part 3 (8) Matthew 8 – Jesus Has Authority! (9) Matthew…
Matthew 28 – Jesus Is Raised from the Dead, The Guards’ Report, The Great Commission
After 3 days Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. There was an earthquake, an angel of the Lord descended and rolled back the stone and sat on it. He looked like lightning and his clothing white as snow. The guards trembled and became like dead men. The angel said not to be afraid, Jesus is risen – look then tell the disciples that He is risen and going before them to Galilee where they will…
Matthew 27 – Jesus before Pilate, Judas Hangs Himself, Jews Shout to Crucify Jesus, Pilate Delivers Jesus to be Crucified, Jesus Is Mocked, Jesus is Crucified, Jesus Dies, Jesus is Buried, The Jews/Romans Secure the Tomb to Ensure No One Takes the Body
The chief priests and elders bound Jesus and led him to Pilate. Judas tried to return the money, they wouldn’t take it, so he threw it down in the temple and he hung himself. They bought a field with the money, and that fulfilled the Bible. Pilate asked Jesus if he was the King of the Jews. Jesus didn’t answer the chief priests and elders, but in response to Pilate said, “You have said so.” He asked if Jesus heard…
Matthew 26 – Jesus’ Coming Crucifixion, Woman Prepares Jesus for Burial, The Beginning of Judas Betrayal, Last Supper, Foretelling Peter’s Denial, Jesus’ Prayer in Gethsemane, Judas Betrays Jesus, Jesus Before Caiaphas & the Council, Peter Denies Jesus
After 2 days passover is coming and Jesus will be crucified. The chief priests with Caiaphas plotted to kill him. Jesus was at Bethany in Simon the leper’s house. A woman poured expensive ointment on Jesus’ head. The disciples thought it was wasteful, Jesus said it was beautiful she had prepared him for burial. Wherever the gospel is proclaimed this story will be told in memory of her. Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus. They ate…
Matthew 25 – Parable of 10 Virgins, Parable of the Talents, Final Judgment
The kingdom of heaven is like 10 virgins taking lamps to meet the bridegroom. 5 were foolish (not taking oil) and 5 wise (taking oil). The bridegroom was delayed, they all fell asleep. The bridegroom arrived, the wise didn’t have enough oil for all, so the foolish had to go buy more. The bridegroom came, those ready went in, the doors were shut. The foolish arrived and the bridegroom said he didn’t know them. Watch, because we don’t know the…
Matthew 24 – Foretelling Destruction of the Temple, End of the Age, Abomination of Desolation, The Coming of the Son of Man, The Fig Tree, No One Knows the Day or Hour
Jesus foretells that the temple will be destroyed. Jesus said many will come in Jesus’ name saying they are the Christ and will lead many astray. You’ll hear of wars and rumors of wars. Don’t be alarmed. Nation will rise against nation and there will be natural calamity, these are signs of birth pains of the end. All nations will hate you for Jesus’ sake. Many will fall away and betray one another. False prophets will arise. The love of…
Matthew 23 – 7 Woes to the Scribes & Pharisees, Weeping over Jerusalem
The Scribes and Pharisees preach but do not practice. You have one instructor – Christ. The greatest shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (1) Woe – they shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces; (2) Woe – they travel to make a single proselyte of hell just like themselves; (3) Woe – blind guides, swearing on the altar and on the temple is the same as swearing by God; (4)…
Matthew 22 – Many Are Called to the Wedding Few Are Chosen, Pay Taxes, Resurrection, Great Commandment, Jesus is David’s Lord
Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like a king giving a wedding feast for his son. Those invited didn’t come and some seized his servants, treated them shamefully and killed them. He then invited people from the streets and they came. When the king saw the guests didn’t wear a wedding garment, he said, ‘Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ Many are called, but few…
Matthew 21 – Triumphal Entry, Cleansing the Temple, Cursing the Fig Tree, Challenge to Jesus’ Authority, Parable of 2 Sons, Parable of Tenants
They came to the Mount of Olives and Jesus sent two disciples to find a donkey with its colt (in fulfillment of the Bible). They did and as they came into Jerusalem crowds were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” The crowds said he was a prophet from Nazareth of Galilee. Jesus drove out those who sold and bought in the temple quoting the…
Matthew 20 – The Kingdom is like Laborers in a Vineyard, Foretelling Jesus Death a 3rd Time, Asking to Sit at Jesus’ Side in the Kingdom, First in the Kingdom Are Servants, Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
The kingdom of heaven is like a master hiring workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius. He hired people at the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 11th hours. The workers hired at first came and thought they’d receive more, but they didn’t. They grumbled. The master reminded them that they agreed to work for a denarius. He is allowed to do what he chooses with what belongs to him. The last will be first and the first…