The Lord told Moses he’d see what God would do to Pharaoh. God spoke to Moses saying, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty.” They didn’t know God by His name the Lord. He established His covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan. God had heard the groaning of Israel enslaved by Egypt, remembering His covenant. He told Moses to tell Israel He will bring them out of Egypt and redeem them with great acts of judgment. He would take them to be His people, and be their God. He would bring them into Canaan. Moses told the people and they didn’t listen, because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery. The Lord told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His people go. Moses questioned if Pharaoh would listen. The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron and gave them charge about the people of Israel to bring the people Israel out of Egypt. The rest of Exodus 6 outlines Moses and Aaron’s genealogy.
This chapter puts a capstone on the preparation of Moses and Aaron for the confrontation with Pharaoh. They are at the doorstep of the plagues and watching God save His people in fulfillment of His promises from hundreds of years before. God will not abandon His people. He is not slow as some consider slowness. His promises will come to pass. Praise God for his immutable character. Praise God for how He is relentless and unstoppable in working for the salvation of His people. Praise God that though Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob didn’t know God by His divine personal name, that they still knew Him fully. Praise God for progressively revealing Himself, and now having most fully revealed himself in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.